present tense; that第8篇)
.... you often use present tense, and in real life, we don't use that very often. .....
"But in the third sentence, the author has hocussed himself into believing
that the magic can extend back a full two sentences, .....
He is mistaken. (And the forms are not parallel here, either.) "


Boston Globe上的一篇: Question? Answered. (副標題: The growing world of online language advice)
裡頭提到: ".... The venerable Usenet group alt.usage.english has long had a FAQ (frequently asked questions) list that is notable for its comprehensiveness and quality;..."



The Washington Post一篇有趣的文章:
'Gray market' for counterfeit gadgets is red hot in China
They are known here as "Shanzhaiji," which loosely translates as "Mountain Bandit Phones."

/SK/, /SP/, /ST/ sound

<擴展內容中; Note: 我還沒寫完。英語人士的發音方式很多,下方的影音links僅是我收集起來用以凸顯那個誤導的教法。千萬不要誤會成下方這些影音檔的唸法是唯一的發音方式>

這篇算是延續我之前的一篇貼文: interesTing的發音(*1)(找djyang---我本人),或是點選下方的"顯示內容"看重點:

(*1) 我在回這篇時我還不知道(語言學的)這術語  unaspirated,但是我已經知道/會這種unaspirated [p t k] after /s/ (stan, span, scan) and at the ends of syllables 的念法(就是尋常的會/知道。我並沒有刻意去區分/注意/分析(/學))


From: "Peacenik" <.....
Newsgroups: tw.bbs.lang.english
Subject: Re: 請問 interesting
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 19:40:54 +0800

: 請問,
: s在字首後面的pkt通常會變音,
: 那如果是intere"sting"是不是也唸/sding/
: 還是保持原來的/sting/音呢?為什麼?謝謝!
: 因為發現不同的老師發音不同,很困惑。
: 謝謝! 

(註: 這部份是我的回覆)
> Let me guess. 美籍老師?
> 並沒有"通常會變音"這回事。如果字典上的音標是/skip/,那麼唸出來的不會是/sgip/。
> 美語在唸子音時一般都唸得很輕,所以對我們來說會造成聽起來有點"像"是/sgip/的錯覺,但是對他們來說,那還是/skip/ -- 他們分的出來的。
> 如果你以為這變音成/sgip/,因為我們唸子音一般都唸得很重,等你真的/sgip/唸出去,他們會以為你在講sGip,然後會霧煞煞的問你說"What?"  

(註: 這部份是一個住在台灣的美國人的回覆)
Yes! Thank you!
I don't know who came up with the idiocy that /s/+/k/ = /sg/. It is false.
/g/ is a voiced sound; /sk/ has no voicing.

<擴展內容中; Note: 我還沒寫完。英語人士的發音方式很多,下方的影音links僅是我收集起來用以凸顯那個誤導的教法。千萬不要誤會成下方這些影音檔的唸法是唯一的發音方式>

一般人(很可惜的,也含一些老師)不懂得分辨voiceless T sound(或是看最下方的YouTube. 她用的說法是fast "d")和那個D sound(voiced D, 或是最下方YouTube那人用的說法strong D)


Although regional variation is very great across English dialects, some generalizations can be made about pronunciation in all (or at least the vast majority) of English accents:

* The voiceless stops /p t k/ are aspirated [pʰ tʰ kʰ] at the beginnings of words (for example tomato) and at the beginnings of word-internal stressed syllables (for example potato). They are unaspirated [p t k] after /s/ (stan, span, scan) and at the ends of syllables.

更多影音links(SK,SP,ST) /SK/

BBC的Doctor Who影集裡頭的一小段(只有聲音)


[0:04] I'm SCared.
BBC影集Being Human裡頭的一小段(只有聲音)


[0:22] They tell me your blue skies ....
Daniel Powter-Bad Day (lyrics)


We talked about this. Personal space.
影集: Supernatural


[5:58] (So I feel that the chances of spread and impact of ...)

對一些英文母語的人來說,也許會說She(her English) sounds European.

Science Channel: Through The Wormhole S2 E4


BBC影集Being Human裡頭的一小段(只有聲音)

以及CBS news: Massive Quake Rocks New Zealand
[0:00]the STreets ...
american accent - American T sound - pronunciation of american english

T sound
重點: almost "d", or fast "d",不是像我們念的很重的"d"(or strong "d")
注意聽她說 When we say "better", we don't say "be-D(很重)ER"

不直接相關: the disappearing "c"("k" sound)