公共場合的廁所,美式英文除了 restroom, men's room, women's room/ladies' room 等之外,也可以是 bathroom :
2 US : a room in a public place with a toilet and sink
- The restaurant has only one bathroom.
- a public bathroom [=restroom, lavatory]
也看 1 ... ◊ In U.S. English.... 以及下方的 go to the bathroom US or use the bathroom
影集 The Umbrella Academy S04E04 約 [30:38] 處
Do you know where the bathroom is?
End of the hall, turn right.
另一個相關的(美式英文)是 half bath :
: a bathroom containing a sink and toilet but no bathtub or shower
這主要是用在表達房子格局的場合(上方的字典 link 有例句),常見在買賣房子、租房等的場合,比如一個租房廣告例子(使用數字):4 Beds, 3.5 Baths, … (以前紙本時代為了省空間,所以會進一步縮寫,比如 4 BD/3.5 BA)
3.5 Baths:
3 Baths = 3 bathrooms
0.5 bathroom = half bath