我都唸 IKEA

‘Vur-Sah-Chay’: 20 of the Most Commonly Mispronounced Brand Names

While IKEA comes in sixth on the list, its actual frequency of being mispronounced could be considerable. The Swedish-based ready-to-assemble furniture brand is often thought to be pronounced eye-kee-uh: The company recently confirmed that it’s actually ee-keh-yah, though U.S. commercials still use the former. (IKEA says it’s “absolutely OK” to use “a local accent” when pronouncing it.)

確實。IKEA 在美國的廣告如前述是用 “local accent” 唸的。

開頭網址裡頭的 20 個完整品牌念法。(第16個其實也算是用美國的 “local accent”)

  1. Porsche (“Porsh-aa”)
  2. Nike (“Nigh-key”)
  3. Hermès (“Air-mez”)
  4. Louis Vuitton (“Loo-ee we-taahn”)
  5. Hyundai (“Hun-day”)
  6. IKEA (“Ee-keh-yah”)
  7. Audi (“Ow-dee”)
  8. Yves Saint Laurent (“Eve-sanh la-rahn”)
  9. Givenchy (“Jhee-von-shee”)
  10. Versace (“Vur-sah-chay”)
  11. Peugeot (“Poo-zhow”)
  12. Adidas (“Add-dee-dass”)
  13. Bvlgari (“Buhl-guh-ree”)
  14. Gucci (“Goo-chi”)
  15. Nutella (“New-tell-uh”)
  16. Huawei (“Wah-way”)
  17. Balenciaga (“Bah-len-see-ah-gah”)
  18. Moschino (“Mos-key-no”)
  19. Tag Heuer (“Tag-hoy-yer”)
  20. Adobe (“Uh-doe-bee”)