The Wheel of Time series

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan


第一集:The Eye of the World

ATOS Level: 5.9 [Boston Public Library]
Text Difficulty: 4

第二集:The Great Hunt

ATOS Level:5.5
Text Difficulty:4

剩下集數的閱讀難度,有興趣的人可以自行查 Boston Public Library 電子書網站。

Lexile 網站只有第一集和第二集的拆成兩部的兒童​​/青少年版:

第一集:The Eye of the World

1. From the Two Rivers
Lexile Measure: 810L [Lexile][Amazon]

2. To the Blight
Lexile Measure: 810L [Lexile][Amazon]

第二集:The Great Hunt

1. The Hunt Begins
Lexile Measure: 780L [Lexile][Amazon]

2. New Threads in the Pattern
Lexile Measure: 820L [Lexile][Amazon]

兒童​​/青少年版和原版本的差別是作者為前者寫了一個介紹五位主角童年的序言Ravens(*1),算是幫助小朋友進入狀況。其它部份的話,我比較了兩者的第一章內容 ,基本上都一樣。為什麼我說「基本上」,因為前者我找的是 Amazon 上附在小說介紹說明裡頭的試閱,只有第一章,可以直接 copy&paste。我用軟體比較兩者第一章內容差異,我發現這個青少年版除了有多處光學字元辨識錯誤之外(看樣子是掃描原紙本小說),其餘內容完全一樣,所以我猜測小說其它章節的內容應該完全相同。至於前者紙本小說是否有更正掃描辨識錯誤,這我就不知道了。


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Lexile Measure:980
Text Difficulty:5-7

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter Series, Book 1) by J.K. Rowling
ATOS: 5.5
Lexile Measure: 880
Text Difficulty: 4-5


Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Lexile Measure:790
Text Difficulty:3-4

The Martian by Any Weir
ATOS Level:5.4
Lexile Measure:680
Text Difficulty:3-4


(*1) 後來出的非兒童版本也有附上序言 Ravens。

Heat Wave School Closes


School districts cancel classes, announce early dismissal ahead of expected hot weather

“Because of the age of our buildings, many do not have air conditioning,” Monárrez said. “We regret that we are ending the school year in an abrupt manner, but we want to ensure our students and staff are safe in what are predicted to be unusually hot temperatures.”
