too smart a bird; diff between "will" and "is going to"

too smart a bird
(AUE: by John L. )

diff between "will" and "is going to"

Where's the beef?

今天的新聞: Lawsuit to Taco Bell: Where's the beef?

也是引用AP的同一則新聞,但是確copy&paste同一個錯字: "... and found it contained less that 35 percent beef."

"... serving high quality Mexican inspired food ..."
為什麼不直接寫"Mexican food",卻是加了個"inspired"? (台灣很多的餐廳其實也可以學這招)

Anal retentive


1. 表示做事不乾脆、拖拖拉拉(這也是我熟知的意思)

2. 形容一個人過份注意瑣碎細節(這用法我也有聽過)。這和 1. 的意思/用法還是有差別。

3. 用於表示正面意思,算是 2. 的意思/用法延伸。這個算是我最近碰到的(我用網路查了之後才知道的)(配合整個內容來看倒也是很順):
4. 其它(?)


Preposition at end ....; downtown

preposition at end - differed preposition in infinitive clause
and the next one by E. W.: ... regarding *attributive adjective clauses*


Preposition at end

So, I quote, "Fowler and nearly every other respected prescriptivist see NOTHING wrong with ending a clause with a preposition; Fowler calls it a 'superstition'."

go/have been downtown.

talk vs talking; that vs which

Talk/talking 特別是這篇(by J. Lawler)

Use of "which" and "that"
(note to self: some interesting reads)

[1:04] In American English, it is not considered correct to use which to introduce a restrictive relative clause.