圖片下方說明有這字樣: Additional charge may be applied for
strong Rx ....
(*1) 原意思是說度數深的話會加價,但是相同情況下我們(台灣)會用意思較隱晦的「價格另計」來說,至少這造成的衝擊性比直接跟顧客講「我們要另外多收錢喔」要和緩些。
+ How do I get thinner lenses?
The lens that is preselected as a recommended option in ② Your Lenses during the ordering process will be the best option for your Rx. If you have a strong Rx, a higher lens index number will give you a thinner lens.
2023 : 很巧,多年後我用 Zenni Optical 線上買眼鏡,我都忘了我有寫這篇。相同度數,價格差很多。在買之前是有些猶豫,畢竟會懷疑便宜沒好貨,所以我沒選擇更好的配備,就基本的 1.67 high index 和 anti-reflection。新的眼鏡我戴了快兩個月,感想是和舊的眼鏡沒什麼差別,看樣子便宜還是有好貨。
- New glasses: $57.80 (Zenni Optical 2023)
- Old glasses: over $400 (LensCrafters 2009)😱