“that" 的省略(2) -- 及物動詞之後的名詞子句


When a researcher discovers a new strain of the flu could threaten a large segment of the population, the ethics panel determines whether the public should be notified immediately.
這句在讀的時候,因為”... discovers ...” 是及物動詞,於是很自然的會把緊接在後面的名詞當成是這個動詞的受詞: “....discovers a new strain of the flu...”--- "....一個研究員發現了新品種的病毒...",但是當繼續讀到"could”時才會發現不對勁(接下來的內容也不需要拆解了,因為文法上不正確),然後(對英語人士來說)才會知道之前的名詞應該是"could threaten”的主詞,也就是( a new strain of the flu could threaten a large segment of the population)這整個名詞子句才是”... discovers ...”的受詞,然後意思上是"一個研究員發現了一件事”,什麼事呢?"一種新品種病毒可能會威脅到......”。這兩者的差別在於,一個是在講這研究員是發現這個新品種病毒的人,一個則是講這研究員發現此種病毒可能有很大的殺傷力,但是這新品種病毒是誰發現的就沒有清楚交代同時也不是重點。所以這時候讓意思清楚的改進方法就是不要省略that:

When a researcher discovers that a new strain of the flu could threaten a large segment of the population, the ethics panel determines whether the public should be notified immediately.

Mr. Green noticed [that] the kids he continued to bring to practice with him improved greatly.

But on board his flight to Los Angeles, he found [that] the promised seat-back TVs were missing, and the bottled water ran out halfway there.


主要子句(基本句型): I realized (‘this’) and (‘that’)
第一個附屬名詞子句(相當於 ‘this’): (I was going to be late for the meeting )
第二個附屬名詞子句(相當於 ‘that’): ( there was nothing I could do )

Faulty: I realized I was going to be late for the meeting and that there was nothing I could do.

Correct: I realized that I was going to be late for the meeting and that there was nothing I could do.

Correct: I realized that I was going to be late for the meeting and there was nothing I could do.

"The Writer's Digest: GRAMMAR DESK REFERENCE", Gary Lutz & Diane Stevenson.
Publisher: Writers Digest Books; Desk edition (June 15, 2005)
ISBN: 1582973350