whether / if


      首先借用Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage裡"whether"這部分的一句話:
Of course, the simplest way to determine where the or not can be omitted is to see if the sentence still makes sense without it.
      這本來是講能靠文意去判斷or not是否可以省略是最好的,但是同樣的也可以引申到whether和if互換的應用。如果做不到的話,最低限度至少要知道if和whether的意思, 尤其是在意思相同的這一部分。如果不能直接看懂英英字典上的字義解釋(比如www.dictionary.com),那麼退而求其次查英漢字典也行。我手邊的『文馨英漢當代辭典』:(請自行查字典,有例句以及用法解說的最好)
If, 4, [引導間接疑問句][口語]是否...(whether)
Send me a telegram if you are coming.
這句子有下列兩種解釋,即: (1) “來的時候請給我電報”, (2) “到底來不來,請給我電報”

      Whether: 這部分內容很多,我沒辦法抄,請自己查。基本上是有兩種用法,一個是引導間接疑問名詞子句,意思是『是否』,『是...抑或』(註:這部分的or not往往可以省略,換句說whether or not也可以用來引導間接疑問名詞子句)。另一個是與or連用引導表示讓步的副詞子句,意思是『不論是....或....』(註: 這時的or (not) 不能省)

以下出自 Practical English Usage, M. Swan, Oxford, 1995第二版
whether and if
1. 間接疑問句 (indirect questions):
一般來說可以用whether和if 來帶出yes/no疑問句
- I'm not sure whether/if I'll have tim.

- We discussed whether we should close the shop.
(比用if好多了(原文是寫is more normal): We discussed if ...)

- Let me know whether you can come or not.
(...if you can come or not 也有人會這樣子寫(原文is also possible))
-The Directors have not decided whether they will recommend a dividend or reinvest the profits.

- Whether I'll have time I'm not sure at the moment.

2. 應聲疑問句(Echo questions):
“Are you happy?” “Am I happy? No!”
“你快樂嗎?”“我快樂嗎? 才不咧!”
這裡的“Am I happy? ”就是echo question(像是應聲蟲般的重複說一次)
這時不要說/寫“if/whether I'm happy.”

3. 介係詞之後(Prepositions):

- There was a big argument about whether we should move to a new house.
(Not .... about if we should move...)

4. 不定詞之前(infinitives):
- I am not sure whether to put this package here or there.
(Not .... if to put this package...)

5. 主詞,補語和副詞等子句(Subject, complement and adverbial clauses):
當帶有『是否』意思的疑問子句是作為主詞,補語或是副詞使用時,whether通常是較好的選擇(原文: “whether” is normally preferred)
- Whether we can stay with my mother is another matter. (主詞)
The question is whether the man can be trusted. (補語)
Whether you like it or not, I'm staying here. (副詞)

- The question is if the man can be trusted.