Was given to jeans?

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL上的一篇文章:One Doctor's Lonely Quest To Heal Brain Injury
During his time at Clark, Dr. Stein was given to jeans, long hair and shooting his mouth off in faculty meetings or challenging guest speakers, even eminent ones. "Eyebrows would go up whenever Don's hand would go up," recalls...
畫底線之後的部分我讀了好多遍,雖然後頭的意思比較好抓,但是到底什麼是"...was given to jeans, long hair"?本來按照之前的內容他在學校不大如意,那麼我就猜也許這是在說學校把他派給穿牛仔褲留長髮的學生,但是意思不是很合理。又讀了幾遍之後,覺得應該是在說他的"習性"--他當時是穿牛仔褲和留長髮的,只是我不記得"give"有這用法,所以上了Longman ONLINE查give,卻找不到這字義和這用法。後來繼續查其他的字義-->given (adj),天殺的,居然在這裡!
Longman ONLINE
given (adjective)
3 be given to (doing) something formal to tend to do something, especially something that you should not do:
- He was a quiet man, not usually given to complaining.

There is/are(?) a man and a woman in the room.

我在AUE上讀到的一串討論文。這類問題經常有人問,而我特別引出這串是因為有人寫了段「考試時如何回答」,而這正符合很多學生的胃口。有興趣的可 以點下面這個link來看:
is or are


There is/are an apple and two pears on the table. | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum

"Sincerely" and "faithfully"

`Sincerely' used for people you've met?

Another one

"Practical English Usage" by M. Swan, 3rd edition








(*1) 當然這憑藉的是他對自己語言的熟悉度


有些人有提供些網站連結。那些網站提到了「自然發音法」是"phonics"。好奇之下我看了這篇: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonics
Although the patterns are inconsistent, when English spelling rules take into account syllable structure, phonetics, and accents, there are dozens of rules that are 75% or more reliable.

前頭提到的Wiki那篇有提到"sight words",這指的是無法套用那些自然發音法規則的字(比如were, who, you等等)。這些字是要靠直接用"看"的來辨識,所以稱之為"sight words"。


high frequency words
收音機廣告 Fajita



那影片基本上就是用「音標」來教小朋友(字母和輔助符號一起所發的音固定)。那些英文字母以外的「輔助符號(字母上頭的橫槓等等)」和IPA(國際音標)的用法一樣。而我們學的KK算是IPA的一個子集。(KK原始書開頭的說明則是說KK是IPA —— 基本上就像在說白馬(KK)是馬(IPA))



Today is unsettled

      "'Today is unsettled.' Have you ever heard that?" Mr. K stood in the kitchen, looking out of the window at the sky, and asked me that while I was reading an article on my computer. He startled me a little and I couldn't quite take his words in, so I said "What?"
      Earlier he did say he had a lot of work to day today, so mentally I was deciphering his words as "I'm going to be very busy today," but I wasn't very sure. I sat in the family room, looking at him, and I guess I looked puzzled, so he then said, "It means 'It's cloudy.'" Now I was intrigued, so I asked him, "Where did you hear that from?"
      "My mom. She used to say that quite often when it's a weather like this," he said.
      "How about your father? Did he say that too?"
      "So it's your mom then."
      I wanted to know if its his mom's idiolect or a set phrase, and before I asked it, he continued on, "Yeah. I don't know where she heard that from." I found this topic quite interesting, so I asked him further about this usage. "The weather is unsettled" is another way of saying it. Some further investigation:
I also looked out at the sky. Hum.... Windy, cloudy, still bright, some small patches of blue.... (like this:)
(More patches of blue just a few moments ago)

formulaic subjunctive; "simple past" vs "present perfect"

"A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language" by Quirk et al
3.60 The formulaic subjunctive
Be it noted that .....
Be that as it may, we ....

Using Simple Past or Present Perfect in a question

Present perfect (its use in UK, younger people) (English Grammar in use, Cambridge University, Murphy)

“that" 的省略(2) -- 及物動詞之後的名詞子句


When a researcher discovers a new strain of the flu could threaten a large segment of the population, the ethics panel determines whether the public should be notified immediately.
這句在讀的時候,因為”... discovers ...” 是及物動詞,於是很自然的會把緊接在後面的名詞當成是這個動詞的受詞: “....discovers a new strain of the flu...”--- "....一個研究員發現了新品種的病毒...",但是當繼續讀到"could”時才會發現不對勁(接下來的內容也不需要拆解了,因為文法上不正確),然後(對英語人士來說)才會知道之前的名詞應該是"could threaten”的主詞,也就是( a new strain of the flu could threaten a large segment of the population)這整個名詞子句才是”... discovers ...”的受詞,然後意思上是"一個研究員發現了一件事”,什麼事呢?"一種新品種病毒可能會威脅到......”。這兩者的差別在於,一個是在講這研究員是發現這個新品種病毒的人,一個則是講這研究員發現此種病毒可能有很大的殺傷力,但是這新品種病毒是誰發現的就沒有清楚交代同時也不是重點。所以這時候讓意思清楚的改進方法就是不要省略that:

When a researcher discovers that a new strain of the flu could threaten a large segment of the population, the ethics panel determines whether the public should be notified immediately.

Mr. Green noticed [that] the kids he continued to bring to practice with him improved greatly.

But on board his flight to Los Angeles, he found [that] the promised seat-back TVs were missing, and the bottled water ran out halfway there.


主要子句(基本句型): I realized (‘this’) and (‘that’)
第一個附屬名詞子句(相當於 ‘this’): (I was going to be late for the meeting )
第二個附屬名詞子句(相當於 ‘that’): ( there was nothing I could do )

Faulty: I realized I was going to be late for the meeting and that there was nothing I could do.

Correct: I realized that I was going to be late for the meeting and that there was nothing I could do.

Correct: I realized that I was going to be late for the meeting and there was nothing I could do.

"The Writer's Digest: GRAMMAR DESK REFERENCE", Gary Lutz & Diane Stevenson.
Publisher: Writers Digest Books; Desk edition (June 15, 2005)
ISBN: 1582973350

“that” 的省略(1)

1. 非直接講述情況 (indirect speech):

1-a 在許多日常使用的描述性動詞之後的that在非正式情況下可以省略,比如say, think, suggest:

Jame said (that) he was feeling better.
I think (that) you should take this course.


1-b 在 某些特定動詞之後的that 不能省略,例如reply, telegraph, shout:

James replied that he was feeling better.
(Not ... James replied he was ....)

She shouted that she was busy.
(Not ... She shouted she was ... )

另外一些補充。摘自 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Usage:
這些動詞後頭較常省略that: believe, hope, say, think
和前者比較,這些較少省略that: assert, calculate, hold, intend

關於這部份,一些較少用到的動詞如果不確定要不要接that,一個較保險的作法是 -- 都加,不然就是靠查字典來確定。

2. 接在名詞之後的that通常也不省略:

I do not believe his claim that he is ill.
(比.... his claim he is ill 自然)

He disagreed with Copernicus' view that the earth went round the sun.
(Not ... Copernicus' view the earth ...)

關於這部份,因為一串名詞下來很容易搞混,這時用that 就可以清楚隔開不同的子句

其它關於名詞子句的部份請看另一篇: “that”的省略(2)

3. 形容詞之後(after adjectives):
在日常普遍使用的說 法裡頭that可以省略:

I'm glad (that) you're all right.
It's funny (that) he hasn't written.
We were surprised (that) she came.

4. 連接詞(Conjunctions):
非正式的 場合裡,一些兩個字的連接詞裡的that可以省略,比如so that, such...that, now that, providing that, provided that, supposing that, considering that, assuming that.

5. 關係子句(Relative structures):
在關係子句裡,當關係代名詞that是受詞時可以省略,同樣的,也是特別是在非正式的 場合裏頭:

Look! These are the people (that) we met in Brighton.
Do it the way (that) I showed you.

英文部份以及主要觀念/架構出自 Practical English Usage, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 1995, by Michael Swan

Usage note

Usage Note

下一篇: “that" 的省略(2) -- 及物動詞之後的名詞子句