Declined -- (2)

     It was embarrassing, but I was also angry because my credit line was very high. Just when I was thinking if I should call my credit card company or something, my gf stepped in and said, “It could be those two transactions are too close and your credit card company has some kind of security measure to block it. I’ll pay it with my card.”
     Well, with all the credit card fraud going on lately, it makes sense that my credit card company would enforce this kind of measure, but not when I’m buying stuff! The whole event wasn’t very pleasant, but the clerk didn’t give me any hard time, and on top of it, my gf paid it (I’ll have to pay her back later, of course), so no harm done, I guess.

     As it later turned out, my gf had a similar experience at another store. No wonder she was able to solve it quickly like that (instead of arguing with them). It also explains why the store manager earlier asked me if my credit line was high enough when he was about to void my first transaction. I guess he runs into this kind of dispute quite often and he thinks that the rejection was due to low credit line.

     When we got home and checked my answering machine, I found out my credit card company already left a message and wanted me to call back. I did, followed their automated system, pressed the number to answer “Yes, I recognize the said transaction”, and the block was lifted.

     I can’t say I love this security measure; it works anyway, not on the right person though (which actually makes it bad ). Fortunately, this kind of event should not happen again because I’m a careful buyer and don’t go on shopping sprees…. Wait… I have to put my gf into consideration, well, I’ll just have to bring my other credit card with me next time we’re out.