to 與 for

-It's good for your health.
-Drugs are bad for our health.
-Doing exercise everyday is good for our health.

(我另外也查了Google Books, 有出現幾個"is good to your health"的例子用法,但是作者名字幾乎全是亞洲的。可靠的例子幾乎是零,所以這用法不考慮)

1. It's good for/to you.
(It's good to you例子較少,但是還是有這用法)

2. That's helpful for/to you.

3. Listening to English radio is helpful for/to your English learning.

4. It's important for/to me.

5. My wife is important for/to me.

1到5: for/to都有可能(*1),都有可以適用的場合/內文,有時候僅是有些(微)意思差別,有的可以互換(不會有明顯的意思差別)

台灣傳 統的文法教學方式不會有幫助,因為以"湊文法術語/詞性"來說for/to都是介詞,都可以跟名詞,然後介詞片語部分(介詞+名詞)又可以轉詞性成為帶有 修飾性質的副詞進而修飾句子其它部分,所以想用文法規則來背/來套的話是做不到的。一個最大最大的問題所在是學校教的(考的)一般都是一句一句的,這種教 學/學習方式頂多只能死背,因為真的要能懂得意思很多時候是需要靠完整的內文。在單一一個句子的情況下句子的意思往往不固定,這時候去爭一定是哪個用字其 實是沒有意義的。


1. 確定真的懂for/to的基本意思。這個字典上有。英英字典更好。學習字典(比如Longman)會更好
2. 也是查字典,查慣用表示法的部分。習 慣用法優先於一切。一旦慣用法形成了,那麼它是不受任何文法/用字規則的影響和約束(比如前頭的health)。然後配合 1. 的意思想辦法真的讀懂/體會整個表達法的意思

看 藍色字的部分(important for)(important to)
例句一定要看,想辦法去體會。有需要的話配合 1 的內容

Longman 的好處是會另外加用法註解,比如裡頭有這個:
! When you mean that you care or think about something a lot, say that it is important to you, not that it is 'important for' you.

但是這不表示沒有"It is important for you"的用法(*2)。這種意思差別就要靠仔細讀"全部的"用法解說,不是光看某部分就行的(提示,這時候"It is important for you"的意思就不會是用法解說裡頭提到的)

總之儘量不要只想靠自己去湊,能的話查字典,查實際用法,儘量去讀懂那意思,換句話說,把注 意力放在"習慣用法"--整個的用法表示--上頭,而不是只去注意to和for這兩個字,不然遇到像上頭health的COLLOCATIONS的用法,以"湊文法詞性"和"to"的意思來說,"be good/bad for your health"不應該不能用"to",但是實際情況是這不是他們的習慣用法,像這種情況就絕不是湊字或是背規則可以湊出來的

3. 最重要的還是多多閱讀,多多接觸實際用法,訓練自己的語感

都有查過Longman字典/Google Books(注意,是Books,不是很雜的Google Web)

The Corpus of Contemporary American English也查了幾個,只是很多時候沒有出現例子

如果只能有"it is important to you"的用法,那麼直接講就好了,不需要另外說明可以使用的條件(Longman的"!When you ...."這部分)。
幾個用Google Books找來的"important for"的實際例子(我儘量找近代的):

"Games for Language Learning" - Page 65
by Andrew Wright, David Betteridge, Michael Buckby - 2006

... Introduce yourself: name, job, etc:
May I introduce myself. My name is ...

Say what you need and why it is important for you:
I want to ...

"beginning university: Thinking, Researching and Writing for Success" - Page 215
by Andrew Wallace, Tony Schirato, Philippa Bright - 1999

It is important for you:
1. because it helps you to control time. If the material is organised into subsections, these can each be allotted an appropriate ...

"A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller", 1932-1953 - Page 113
by Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller, Gunther Stuhlmann - Literary Collections - 1987

It is my intention to type these volumnes for you, up to the point where you decide not to show me it. It is important for you — you will never get two better typists than Fred and me. We are devoted to your diary and we will guard all your secrets, ...

改 用"It is important for me"找的話更容易找到例子

"Living and Dying with Cancer" - Page 115
by Angela Armstrong-Coster - 2004

It is important for me ... I don't think it is important because I think I am controlling the disease, I don't think I am. I think I am controlling my life, ...