Credit or Debit ?
"Did you find everything you need?" 這個櫃員拿了我要租的片子和我的會員卡,邊掃描上頭的條碼,邊說着。
"Yes." 我回答。
"Total is four" 他後頭的櫃員仍在鏗鏗鏘鏘的整理片子,我沒注意聽到他後頭講的話,我想反正信用卡都給他了就沒有多理會。
"Credit or debit?" 他看着我又問了一次。這下我聽清楚了,我回答"cre",還沒講到dit,他已經埋頭在他的鍵盤上頭敲敲打打。
"Did you say credit?" 他抬起來望着我又問了一次。我想大概是背後的吵雜聲的關係吧,於是我放大音量說了"Credit",這次應該夠清楚了。這時他臉帶歉意的說: "It's credit, is it?"
"Yes." 我回答。
停了一會他又接着說 "It's been a long day." 然後遞給我收據讓我簽名。
"Yeah, I know." 我邊簽名邊說着。
"You know, credit and debit sound so close... I just want to be sure I didn't ring up the wrong one."
"I understand." 我說,然後遞給他簽好的收據。
"Do you need a bag for this?" 他把單據和片子拿在手上,等我回答。
"No." 我搖頭說着。
在往停車場的路上,我想着,credit 和 debit,若是環境吵雜,聽起來還真像,因為都是"ㄝ" " 一"的母音。
No free lunch?
There's no free lunch, but there's free dinner. What happened was my friends and I had dinner at a 99 restaurant a few days ago. One of us ordered a steak tips with sauteed onions and mushrooms. His steak tips were fine, but his onion was a bit raw and there were only two mushrooms (mushroom halves I believe). He kinda complained his dish to our waitress. After we got the bill, he saw it on the bill she wrote his dish off, so he said to her she didn't have to do this, but she said she talked to the manager and he agreed the chef didn't really sauteed the onion and mushrooms. My friend thanked her and we made sure we gave her a big tip.
I don't usually complain about my dish, but there's exceptions. One time, I had some kind of fish and the fish was not cooked through. THAT, I had to tell the waitress because it wasn't something I could ignore. Another time it was a deli dish. My friend and I were at a deli restaurant and I ordered a corned beef hash with egg or something. At that time, corned beef hash was still new to me and I wanted to try it out. After my dish arrived, I took a bite and I was curious about its sour taste, so I asked our waitress if the dish was supposed to taste that way. She said it was home-made and if I wanted I could get something else, for free I believe. I was really curious if the food went sour or it was just their own special flavor, but she didn't really answer my question and kept saying I could get something else, so I said OK. While I was waiting, I overheard two old ladies sitting behind me talking about their sour corned beef. I wasn't sure if they were complaining about it though because they were talking in a low voice.
接著碰到要換台灣護照。當時照片用的還是台灣格式(些微長方形的,不是美國這邊用的正方形),然後我異想天開想到 Mall 裡頭的投幣式照相亭印出來的就是有些長方形(亭子外頭好像有說明寫說證照可以用),所以我就花了兩塊錢去拍。照出來的效果不是很好,有點過亮泛白,剛好我又是穿淺色衣服,所以拿到波士頓辦事處那時,辦事小姐直說不行,後來還是在我的堅持下收下我的照片。事後拿到我的護照才發現護照上的人頭照根本是低解析度"線條式"的陰影列印,就算我拿上好的大頭照也是白搭,真不知道這些人在想甚麼...
接下來大約兩次需要大頭照時我是到 Mall 裡的相館拍的。大概是太少拍,我居然忘了藥房那邊有便宜的... Anyway,反正拍好順便逛 Mall,我也沒去特別注意細節。這次拍大頭照時也是去同一家相館。我特意留意了一下細節:
- 拍攝地點是入口邊的一根柱子。柱子上貼了個白幕,然後前頭擺了個小凳子,要拍時就坐在那,然後店員也不用刻意站幾步之外直接就在短距離內用數位相機拍。
- 照片相關規定店員也不清楚,所以我要另外提醒她"眼鏡鏡片有沒有反光?" 她這時候才看了一下相機上的LCD小螢幕然後說"有喔,你最好把眼鏡拿掉"。我說"不行喔,規定是說眼鏡要留著"。
- 店員美眉拍好後就直接把 memory stick 拿到她旁邊的 kiosk 開始編輯。這一步我之前都沒去注意,所以她在操作的時候我刻意看了一下。她先把照片調亮些,然後換功能,這時螢幕出現兩條平行線,她把我的頭頂和下巴和這兩條線對好後就完成了(我本來想問照片上我身邊的店裡背景不除掉嗎?)約十秒二十秒照片印出來了,大大的上下並排的照片,然後店員用 2x2 的剪裁器直接把需要的部分切下來(難怪可以不用理那些背景)就OK啦!
- 店員美眉還可以再甜美多微笑一點。
"放牧"裡頭有個"放",這會讓人聯想到"放牛","放任"等等。"放牛班"裡的"放牛"兩字是取自"放牛吃草"這俗諺,白話一點就是"放任不管"。為什麼"放牛吃草"會有"放任"的意思?臺灣早期仍是農業社會的時候耕田用的水牛算是蠻普遍的,那麼這些水牛有時候需要些小孩(或成人)帶去吃草,這時候往往只是一隻或是兩隻,總之不會是一次成群的幾百幾千隻的帶。而水牛又不是會到處"趴趴走"的動物,所以一般是帶到一塊地後就讓牛自己去吃草,了不起栓根繩子,放牧的人也許可以躺在樹下打個盹,因為不用太擔心牛會跑遠,也不用擔心會突然跳出個獅子老虎豺狼啥的把牛給吃了或是咬走,牛隻則自己"愜意"的隨意走(反正一整個下午也是在同一個地方啃草),因此"放牛吃草" -- 放任牛隻讓牛隻自己隨意移動和吃草。當然臺灣也有"農場" -- 養乳牛那種,只是這和前述情況比較起來畢竟不是很普遍,所以"放牛吃草"的意思不帶有像農場那樣的養幾千幾萬(?)隻牛的情形那樣的要格外花些心神和精力。
至於英文的"herd",畢竟他們的放牧 -- 放牧一大群牛羊的情形 -- 和我們的"放牛"相較之下比較普遍,所以他們的"放牧"主要是偏向大量動物的這一情形。"herd"當動詞時的意思:
to make animals move together in a group
為什麼呢?就像前面討論串link裡頭有人提到的那個sheep的例子。有看電視電影的應該有看過放牧羊群的場景,如果放任羊隻不管的話,幾千幾萬隻羊各走各的走散不說,走遠的羊還會被野狼,豺狼之類的獵殺,所以非得 make animals move together in a group才行。
以下是我對那句子裡頭的 herdlike的認知:
所以 a herdlike approach --> an approach of treating school kids like a herd of sheep(sheep好舉例,所以我以sheep為例子。當然也可以是其它動物)
(只是我剛好想到,並不是所有的類比情況 都是原句子裡頭的訴求)
在放牧綿羊之前/之後要先用車子載到目的地/自目的地載回 <--> 上下學要搭校車(這是美國的情形。大部分的學童是如此)
全部的羊要聚在一起 <--> 全部學校學童集中在學校裡上課,老師在上課時不可能臨時換場地帶全班或是只帶幾人到星巴克上課 :p
不能讓羊隻走散走遠 <--> 小學/高中的話要上個廁所要跟老師要hall pass。當然也不能隨便逃學。
要防野狼/豺狼之類的 <--> 學校有警衛,不能讓閒雜人等來學校鬧
如果羊被吃了太多,放牧的人工作不保 <--> 外人來學校鬧,警衛不理的話工作不保
所有的羊吃的和喝的是一樣的。當要轉換吃草的場地時,所有的羊要跟著放牧的人所帶的方向走,不能自己 跑到別的地方玩 <--> 所有的學童的教材一致,上課時老師教同樣的東西給全班的學生,"因材施教"做不到(是有資優班啦,但是也只是上課教材/內容和一般的學生不一樣而已,老師 還是整班一起教一樣的東西,整班一起帶)。大家按照時刻表統一行動。
I don't know ... 這也是為什麼我平常不大碰翻譯類的問題,因為太麻煩了.... 特別是以原例子的herdlike來說,我個人認為它帶有多重意思,不論是翻成哪種引申意思都會顧失彼此,如果按照字面直接翻,那麼又會讓人無法馬上看懂。另外一個翻譯的難處是這是複合字,字典裡頭沒有這字所以很難訂出一個統一的說法。如果"a herdlike approach"在教育界是一個已經存在多時的固定術語的話,那麼至少還有可能找到相對應的中文術語(如果已經有學術界的人翻好了)。如果這是新的自創詞,那麼難度就高多了,就算翻出來了,其他人也未必都能接受。對我自己來說,我在意的是我是否能直接讀懂,畢竟我住在美國,我並不需要知道某個說法的中文 怎麼說。總而言之言而總之,翻譯類的問題我是少碰為妙
Dude! Where's my car key?
What would you do if you leave your car key in the car and your car is still running? The experienced would say "Call triple A(*1)!"
The inexperienced?
More than ten year ago, a friend from Taiwan went to a graduate school in Connecticut. I offered to show him around Boston so I drove down there to pick him up. Before we headed back to Massachusetts, we stopped at a supermarket near his place to grab something to drink. When we came out of the store, I realized I didn't have my car key with me--what was worse was that when we walked back to my car, I found the engine was still running!
Then a "Eureka!" moment came to me--I remembered my father once told me he had the same mishap. He said he called the police, and then a police officer came and picked the lock. My father said he also got a fifty-dollar bill from the officer.
Well, back then I honestly thought that was a standard "service" provided by the police, so I found a pay phone, dialed 411, explained my situation to the operator and requested the phone number of a nearby police station. After I got the number, or he connected me to the police station, a lady at the station answered the phone. I told her what had happened and asked her if she could help me.
"No, sir. We don't provide that kind of service."
"Oh," I was crestfallen, "thank you anyway."
Just before I hung up my phone, she added "Well, if you want, I can connect you to the tow station."
"Yes, please!" Of course I want it!
The rest was standard; the tow truck came, the guy unlocked my car door, and I paid him thirty dollars. (Or sixty? I forgot.) It just so happened I had that much cash on me. Honestly, I wouldn't have known what to do if I couldn't pay him. I didn't have a credit card back then.
I thought I'd learned my lesson, but apparently not. In the following years the same thing happened twice, once in San Jose and the other time in Houston. Both times I called AAA.
(*1) AAA (or "triple A" as people call it) is an American automobile organization. It provides many services to its members. Roadside assistance is one of them.
A snitch
That woman owned a family-operated tofu plant, and they usually started their business around 3 am. To be frank, I grew up with this family-owned business on my street and I didn't find it noisy or anything. As a matter of fact, last time I went back home, I found the plant's steam-releasing sound soothing, a nostalgic-like sensation that helped me sleep.... Anyway, one thing different from before was this woman's loud voice--it was almost like she was in a fight with her customers or something; back when her mother-in-law was in charge, it was never like that.
Apparently one of ours neighbors couldn't stand it anymore and reported it to "環保局". So, that's what happened to my brother--a guy from the environmental protection office was measuring the noise level the small plant made (or she made), and it just so happened he was standing in a corner behind my brother.
A few days later, my brother had a cold, so he went to a doctor in our neighborhood. During the visit, my brother told him this story and he said, "Well, to tell you the truth, I'm the one called the office(*1). It's been ten years; I can't stand it anymore."
(*1) 主格關代省略
Yes, he is a doctor, but even a doctor doesn't always talk in a (most) formal manner. Besides, my brother knew him very well and they chatted quite often. When people chat, that's how they usually talk, so after some thinking, I dropped the who between one and called (but I keep it intact in my old blog).
<<我的一篇舊文 有經過增修>>
那天晚上的晚餐就是在 「絹豆腐」這家韓國餐廳打發的。因為店名是用漢字,而且是我喜歡的豆腐,所以店名就這樣子記起來啦。
這家店的的店面不大,也因此看到了些很 有趣的畫面。一群食客要在店外等位子,然後是在餐廳外頭先點菜,這我倒是第一次遇到(也是唯一的一次)。等到位子後,女侍帶我們到一個靠近入口的長併桌坐 下,我的右鄰則是另一桌客人,這,又是另一個在美國餐廳很少遇到的情況,反正我們在台灣也常這樣,所以這倒沒甚麼。
在上正菜之前女侍先端來 好幾小盤的醬菜和「鹹雞蛋」(這印象有些模糊了,隱隱記得是有雞蛋的)。至於正菜,其實我也不知道那算不算,因為整個的感覺很像台灣那種賣「清粥小菜」的 店。碟碟碗碗的一大桌,整體感覺我是覺得很不錯。
至於隔天的紐約遊,因為不是第一次去所以不覺得有甚麼特別的,倒是去了 Guggenheim Musem,非常獨特且有風格的美術館。當天在紐約市是搭晚上六點多的也是渡輪附設的shuttle bus回到渡輪口,然後駛回對岸。六點多是早了些,但是我的腿早就快走斷啦!總之整個是個非常驚喜又有趣的weekend getaway!
剛讀了這篇: 拚英文的迷思--和老外學美語有用嗎?
前頭提到的那篇文章裡頭提到一點: 基礎的建立,最好由同母語的人士來進行教學。這我同意。那麼上那些有老外的課是在建立基礎,還是在「用」英文?就像是那篇文章後頭提到的--到了美國,只是去「用」英文,而不是「學」英文(?)
那篇文章裡頭提到的說句英文就「臉紅耳赤」的情形我也經歷過,但是如果一個學英文的人害羞到學了一兩年,甚至是兩三年還是講個英文就面紅耳赤,還是不敢開 口,我覺得那就真的是那人的個人問題了。換句話說,一些學習障礙的現象在初期是會出現的,但是讓這現象持續的責任我個人認為主要是在學員自己身上。教英文的老師當然也會是障礙之一,但是學員如果還是無法分辨,「呆呆的」繼續上不認真的老師的課,那麼這實在不能怪罪到別人身上。
我當年在台北上了四期的會話課,班上人數一定是從開始的十多人到最後只剩四五人。美籍老師的師資有小學老師,也有陪博士老婆來台灣蒐集資料的博士。所有的老師都至少是大學學歷。我的四位老師都是上課認真,不是那種"講了一次就不講,不再重複,不糾正學員"的老師,但是為甚麼大部分學員都在上課過程中跑掉了?據我所知,有的是上班族無法每次都趕來,漏了幾次課後就乾脆不來了,也有的是嫌老師不會教所以不來了,而後面這類學員至少他們懂得選擇他們要的上課老 師和方式,他們也許不明智,但是不呆。
我哥剛來美國時也去上了些ESL課(他來的時候我已經在美國住了幾年了)。他找了好些個地方,其中有好的(or稍微好一些)也有壞的。他跟我說了些那個較好的那一個地方的上課時的笑話--基本上就和那篇文章裡頭提到的幾個怪現象一模一樣。有個學員是絕不開口(但是私底下說他一定要認真聽,然後把英文學好。他已經在那上了好幾期的課了); 有一兩個是上課拼命搶發言時間,拼命亂扯; 有兩三個是拼命的用自己的母語討論(討論完了,也漏了一大段老師講的), 剩下幾個就是「比較正常」的。至於老師呢,根據我哥的描述,雖然不差,但是比不上我在台北上課的那些美國老師(or我們的學生素質較高/較沒怪胎?)
現在回到前頭的那個學和用。我覺得那句話的最大盲點是--難道不能邊學邊用嗎?說實在的,等「學會了」再去「用」那不知道要花多少年的時間,對某些人來說 也許一輩子也到達不了「學會了」的程度。我相信學和用之間絕對存在一個邊學邊用的過渡期,而且我相信我當年在上英文課時就已經有在「用」英文了--是實際使用英文和老外老師溝通,交換意見,而不是你念一句,我念一句,念完了,也下課了。如果要這種上課方式的話我回自己的國中/高中上英文課就行了,幹嘛要花這冤枉錢?這也是為甚麼我同意那句「基礎的建立,最好由同母語的人士來進行教學」,因為我們自己(國小)國高中學校裏頭的英文課已經有教了。當然我不是一開始在上會話課時就能用英文和老師溝通,第一期上課的時候我幾乎都是用猜的,也是有渡過一個過渡期(課程也確實是最低階),但是如果我一開始就會用英文的話那麼我幹嘛另外花錢去上課?
Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakamoto
My mom taught me
I'm thrilled that I have my mother and my daughter with me tonight. My mother Dorothy Rodham and my daughter Chelsea Clinton.
You know as I travel around I see so many families who share the same values I was brought up with. My mom taught me to stand up for myself, and stand up for those who can't do it on their own. I'm proud to live by those values, but what I'm most proud of is knowing who(*1) I pass them on to.
I'm Hilary Clinton, and I approved this message.
(*1) 應該是whom,但是用who也很普遍,尤其她的電視廣告詞的對象是一般大眾,所以內容不算是非常正式,因此講who沒關係。
可以注意讀一 下,看她如何把主題從她媽媽轉到自己身上,因為這是很多人在寫自傳第一段時的最大弱點--只講了我父母教導我,接下來就沒了(那麼你是有學起來還是聽過就 算了?)
[轉錄] 中文托福 超好笑!!
讓大家見 識一下中文的高深莫測。
教育部在 4月14日決定 2年內建置首套中文能力測驗制度。
甲、六十元。(80% off)
丙、二百四十元。(20% off)
第 十六題
丁、不會啊!這很新鮮 !
丙、男子的電話 SIM卡賣掉了。
第 十八題
試作一篇五言律詩 ( 夠狠吧! )
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Korea vs Taiwan
Moving from Korea to Taiwan
Not that I care they have a better life in Taiwan, but I do feel a sense of warmth when outsiders are complimenting Taiwan.
"have lived"是錯的?
作 者 (略掉)(*) 指的是第211篇裡頭的"I have lived in Taiwan for 10 years."
標題 Re: [文法]完成式和簡單式
時間 Sat Jun 25 01:06:09 2005
第一 句有錯(*) have lived表動作
所以不能用have lived
請上東吳英文網路資源網站上 應該會有
so 要用have been living(現分作形容詞)
如果上頭說的這個東吳老師真的這樣子說的話,那 臺灣的英語教育還真是堪憂。為了查證,我就上「東吳英文網路資源網站」去看,找了半天,有比較符合前述字樣的是「Live ABC英語學習資源網」,可是連了老半天連不進去,換到「英文寫作學習網」,哈!一樣連不上。
換個方式,用Google找,搜尋字串: "have lived"總共出現5個(*1),這裡挑其中兩個:
1. (某老師的教材) (Project Gutenberg是個蒐集英文文學作品,免費開放的外國網站)
Enclosure 10 – PowerPoint (Unit 3)
Spring: How long have you lived in Jiaoxi?
Man: I have lived here for 50 years.
...雖 然無法直接找到說"have lived for x years"是錯的那篇,但是光是上頭這兩篇就夠讓這幾位老師「起內鬨」了(如果那篇「錯誤的」解說是真有其事)。
*Project Gutenberg's Etext of Rinkitink In Oz by L. Frank Baum ...
"For four days I have lived in that narrow boat," said he, "with no other amusement than to watch the rowers and quarrel with Bilbil; ...
(*1)順便修改第二個: "I have lived this area for eight years ..." -> I have lived in this area for eight years ..."。我猜這是學生的練習寫作
Newsgroups: tw.bbs.lang.english另一個這樣子說:
From: "Chris Nelson"
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 16:04:01 GMT
Local: Wed, Jan 30 2002 12:04 pm
Subject: Re: filial piety......
The term "filial piety" is a scholarly term used when studying the cultures of east Asia, particularly Chinese and Korean cultures. Few English speakers have heard of the phrase unless they have studied Chinese culture and Confucianism.
You could, however, say something like "He is a dutiful son", and people would understand.
In the west, there is no concept of filial piety. The closest we get is the Biblical commandment to "honor your father and your mother".
Newsgroups: tw.bbs.lang.english一個關於中文英譯的建議:
From: Jim Walsh
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:24:48 +0800
Local: Sat, Jun 26 2004 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: ....
There is a part of Chinese culture from Confuscius which is translated in all the dictionaries "filial piety". Until I came to Taiwan, I never heard the words "filial piety" and I didn't know what they meant and had to look them up in a dictionary.
Well, that actually didn't help, but only fooled me worse. It said filial piety was formal for treating ones parents as they should be treated. Well, the simple truth is that I DO treat MY parents the way MY culture says I should, but it is not remotely like what my Chinese friends meant when they said those words.
Newsgroups: tw.bbs.lang.english
From: Jim Walsh
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 14:31:31 +0800
Local: Tues, Jul 3 2001 2:31 am
Subject: Re ...........
Whenever I find some Chinese word which has no comparable equivalent in English, I recommend using the Chinese word.
For example:
I live in Taiwan. [no comparable equivalent]
I got a hong bao(*1) [no comparable equivalent] from my boss for the Dragon Festival.
I work in a buhsiban(*2). [no comparable equivalent]
(*1) 我猜原意是指"香包"吧
(*2) 補習班。我在會話班上課的美籍老師當時也是直接講"補習班"這個音
<<我的一篇舊 文>>
Good or bad English?
Anything wrong about "UN for Taiwan"?
這一串討論文裏頭有人提到這個:(我同意他講的,關於slogan 的部分)
那麼如果你想吃個表面有點焦黃,吃起來脆脆的荷包蛋,或者是蛋白煮熟但是蛋黃中心仍是蛋汁的嫩蛋,這時該怎麼叫呢?其實荷包蛋的點法和點牛排很像,有分不同的熟度。一般情況下侍者會問"How would you like your eggs?",這時你可以回答:
(以下的over指的是"翻面" -- turn over 的意思)
over easy / over light :
over medium :
over well / over hard :
蛋黃蛋白全熟,蛋白部份會有點焦,一些部份會硬硬脆脆的。有次我在餐廳說"well-done",結果女侍還問我是不是要scrambled,所以講over well會比較清楚。
當然,如果你忘了或是不知道怎麼點,你可以用白話的方式解釋你的蛋要如何如何。另外,有的餐廳會在菜 單上寫可以選擇 egg beater 的字樣。egg beater 是不含蛋黃/膽固醇的蛋白製品,裡頭加了些色素和其他添加物,所以看起來像一般打散的蛋,但是基本上仍只是蛋清,所以吃起來風味比一般的蛋稍微差一點。
原作: aialoner
討論區: 文法教學區
原標題: 動名詞可以用複數型態嗎? (此篇已標為精華文章)
動 名詞可不可以有複數形?我想應該這樣說:若是因為句法要求,而由動詞加上ing所形成的「動名詞」,是不用複數形的。至於savings或 findings這種所謂的「動名詞」,雖有複數形,但他們已經不是純粹的「動名詞」;或者說,他們是一種特別的「動名詞」。
如果要深 究,「動名詞」(gerund)這個名稱並不精確,因此以下討論都暫時加上「」,以表示係為討論方便而姑且用之。A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language對gerund有以下的討論:
(全 文請按下方的link)
動 名詞可以用複數形嗎?
Buy a drink lah?!
下面這篇是在New York Times上頭瞄到的,還挺有趣的,如果link還在的話就直接點來看:
Update: 我現在正在看Science Channel的"Man Made Marvels". 這集是介紹新加坡的廢水處理工程。目前為止訪問了五個engineers和一個是高層的不知什麼東西,有男有女,都帶有明顯的亞洲口音(*1)(最後的那個高層口音最少,英文也是講得最好的)。這幾個人不去考慮口音的話英文是講得不錯倒是真的。
她的上課方式其實很『制式』,就是那種典型的小班教學,上課時會分組討論,有時玩玩遊戲那種,這是種很『標準』的上課方式,所以我實在不曉得那位女同學所說的『不會教』是指什麼,我只能猜說這是她第一次在外頭上這種小班制的課,而她期待的是那種學生坐在下 頭一直抄一大堆筆記,然後老師在上頭一直滔滔不絕的講各種英文規則和注意事項的台灣式傳統教學方法吧。
再來的卻是約半年後的事,那時我能上的課幾乎都上完了,只剩最後的最高級,可惜要當兵無法報名, 剛好有次我在休息室遇到這位老師,她跟我說她打算繼續待在台灣一段時間,想學好中文,問我有沒有興趣和她『語言交換』,我當然有興趣囉,能練習的機會我是不會放過的。
To many people, it's crap because it doesn't taste very good, but it's very cheap, so cheap that it's been around forever and “has earned a special place in pop culture, and has even entered into folklore and urban legend” as wikipedia puts it. To me, it reminds me of dog food, but I don't especially hate it, and I do eat it “occasionally” -- like three times over the past ten years.
A friend once told me a story about his colleague and Spam. His colleague was from Minnesota, where the maker of Spam is. During one of his trips back home, he decided to pay Hormel a visit.
”Because he loves Spam,” my friend told me.
”Is it really?”
”That's what he told me. Who knows, maybe it's an excuse so they'll give him a tour.”
Anyway, that was exactly what he told them and what happened. They were very excited (possibly thinking “there ARE people who actually LOVE our product?!) and gave him a tour. Like every other tour of this sort, they also gave him free samples -- “Spam”s!!
Pub 與 Bar 的分別
以美國來說,如果店東要把店面裝潢得帶有英國/愛爾蘭等等的pub的風格然後稱之為pub可不可以呢?當然可以囉,美國法律又沒規定把酒吧弄得異國情調一點就不能叫pub對不對?特別是我們Boston這邊特多的愛爾蘭裔美國人,他們開的酒吧幾乎清一色都叫做"xxx pub", "Irish pub"也成了固定說法。至於英國那邊因為我沒去過所以我不知道那邊的"bars"的情況。
bar和pub在規模上並沒有誰一定比誰大,比如我剛來美國時住的地方Waltham(, Massachusetts)曾被個朋友的同事戲稱是全美國"bars"密度最高的地方,因為真的很多bars開在街道的角落,這些bars規模一般不大,主要賣的是酒,可能沒有賣正餐,但是一些簡單些的餐點還是有賣,所以不了解的外國人會以為像這樣子小小的不賣正餐的酒吧才是"bars",大一點的有賣正餐的才是"pubs",其實這只是地點經營上的關係,倒不是因為是"bar"就一定該是如何如何,或是地方小點就不能開"pub",因為地方大些有賣正餐的"bars"在美國也到處都是,這是隨開店的人高興的。在美國的酒吧另外還有"tavern"的稱呼,根據wiki上的解釋基本上也是酒吧的一種稱呼,只是在英國的話在19世紀後被pub(public house)取代,在美國還是有店東用在店名裏頭。
再來就要提到"club"。這其實很有趣,因為當我問我的老美roommate時就搞了好久。光是有賣酒的"club"就另外還有"strip club"和"dance club"。前者不用講,後者台灣也有,就是年輕人跳舞的舞廳囉。等到他知道我問的是"night club"(專指夜總會,要穿正式的禮服,西裝那種)後,他想了一下說,據他所知麻州東半部這邊已經沒有那種"night club"了,倒是我們住的town在許多許多年前有一個很有名氣的night club,據他說當時Frank Sinatra和一些名人也有到那裏表演,裡頭的氣氛其實大家都有在電視電影上看過,所以就不需要多介紹了。現在的話原場地變成一間大間的賣家俱公司(旁側還開了個中國餐廳; update: 那家餐廳倒了)。至於美國其他地方是否還有這類高級的night club我就不知道了。現在的話,night club只是個尋常的可以飲酒跳舞的娛樂場所。參考:
我剛來美國的頭幾年也有跟著朋友去些night club/dance club。每個club的顧客訴求未必相同,有的主要顧客群是年輕人,有的則是年紀較大的人,不是一定。
至於其他的私人性質的 social club或是gentlemen's club(不是指strip club)就不用多說了,因為是私人團體,他們愛怎麼搞就怎麼搞,也因為是私人的,所以不開放讓一般人進去,這種情況的"可能附帶有酒吧的私人聯誼場所"其實不需要討論,難不成哪天你到美國觀光行經一個私人的club然後以為是傳聞中的「高級酒吧」然後就仗著「老子有錢」就要進去?
最近我們這邊的新聞在報導州政府下令關一些"bars",原因是幾年前緊鄰麻州南邊的Rhode Island(也是一個州)的一間night club因為失火死了很多人,因此我們這州的州政府下令所有的bars都要加設發生火災時滅火用的灑水設備,但是很多的"bars"認為他們根本就 是"restaurants",因為他們雖然有提供各式各樣的酒類,但是也有提供很完整的菜單,而且也沒有開得很晚,即使是在晚上也很安靜,若是因此要安裝灑水設施的話要花很大一筆錢。但是沒辦法,麻州州政府還是認定他們是bars,所以勒令沒安裝的店關門,而一些遭勒令關門的bars則決定抗告。
前頭提的失火的night club就是個普通的dance club,並不是"要穿西裝打領帶的高級夜總會",以這家來說,去的人大多是"熟男熟女",穿著的話由電視畫面可以看出都很隨便,很一般,而且由電視畫面也看得出來那場地其實也不大,整個外觀幾乎給人一種四四方方鐵皮屋的感覺,裏頭設備也不怎麼樣。因為新聞在報導這些被勒令關門的店時,主播有用"bars"和"night clubs"來稱呼(大概是不同台的,或是不同時段不同的主播所以用了不同的詞彙),但是指的都是一樣的那些稱自己為"restaurants(餐廳)" 的bars.
Bones in dressed fish?
"Are there bones in a dressed fish?"
"I bought a dressed fish, so I'm thinking if the bones are out."
"Well, a 'whole' dressed fish means its guts are out. If you take the bones out, it's a fillet." Well, not exactly, but that's not the point and he got the picture. I must say I was a bit surprised because he didn't know what a (whole) dressed fish meant; I guess he just didn't care.
If you have no idea what we were talking about, take a look at this old blog of mine:
: Advertisements from 1960 for the film Psycho shattered convention, displaying
: actress Janet in a slip and brassiere, which, although white, a color
: associated with innocence, (were clothes more revealing than had been
: previously worn in a movie ad.)
1. Advertisements for the film Psycho(*1) shattered convention, which displayed actress Janet in a slip and brassiere.
2. The kinds of clothes that Janet wore were more revealing than those worn in any movie ad before.
3. 一些較其次的補充說明 The color of the clothes was white. White is a color associated with innocence.
(*1)對老美來說,Psycho是很有名氣的舊片,理由之一就是句子裏頭講的,「居然」在電視預告裏頭出現「超清涼」的畫面(同時又很驚殐)。1960 那年代是屬於即使電視情節是夫妻出現在臥房裡頭,也不可以是在同一張床上,必須是兩人在兩張分開的床裏頭才行。
Advertisements from 1960 for the film Psycho shattered convention, which(yes) displayed Janet in a slip and brassiere, which(yes。是複數) ..(*2).. were clothes (that were) more revealing than had been previously worn in a movie ad.
第一個插入語: although white --> 說明了那兩件衣物是白色的。為什麼要提是白色呢?對於學電影的人應該會知道,但是一般大眾恐怕不知道,所以繼續解釋下去 -->
第二個插入語: a color(=white) associated with innocence。所以這個是用來修飾/解釋前頭的第一個插入語
A slip and brassiere which, although white, a color associated with innocence.
如前述。不是子句,只是一些phrases(這字可以查英英字典,有些人把這和"idiom"給搞混了) -- 兩個字以上所組成的"詞"而且不是句子/子句。另外就是紅色部分不是一起的。
有在外頭BBQ烤肉的人應該會知道,弄個鐵網,烤肉架子,底下燒炭火,然後把醃好的肉片肉串放在架子上烤。這整個的動作就是grill(動詞),要素是要有那個平平的放肉的架子(柵欄狀或是網狀),然後火在下面烤。 grill也可以當名詞用,有很多意思,比如可以指那個平平的架子,烤好的食物,食物上頭的柵欄狀或是網狀的焦痕,或是直接就指那個『烤肉餐廳』。
broil 也是烤,和grill其實很像,不過一個大差別是broil的意思比較單純,那就是『直接暴露在熱源裡頭』,名詞和動詞都是單指煮熟食物的方法而已。因為 『在架子上烤肉』這烤法已經被grill搶走了,所以這以外的『直接用溫度很高的熱源烤』的烤法就用broil。美國家庭必備的大烤箱其中一個功能就是 broil,要烤肉烤魚時,食物必需先裝在容器裡頭然後放在烤架上(和前頭的grill裡頭的食物直接放在架子上不同),然後只有上方的熱線圈或是熱源會加熱,下方的不會,而且溫度很高,食物表面也很容易燒焦,所以要常常翻面。
有看過『魔女宅急便』卡通的人應該有印象,其中一幕是小魔女kiki在一個老婆婆家等著送『烤魚』(先暫時說烤魚好了),老婆婆用的不是新型的現代大烤箱,而是一個舊爐灶。她先在爐灶裡頭燒木柴(這時溫度最高),木柴燒一陣子後剩下餘燼,但是仍在燒(這時溫度較低,也比較穩定),這時把要烤的東西放在烤盤或烤盆裡頭,放在靠近爐口的地方,離炭火一段距離(這時溫度又更低了)。因為溫度較低,所以烤的時間要比較久,食物的表面也不會馬上就焦掉。這個就是 bake。現在的廚房裡頭當然不可能燒炭 bake,所以廚房裡頭的大烤箱就模擬出類似bake的功能,要烤時必需設定好溫度,這溫度和直接大火燒比起來低很多,一般在華氏325—400(約攝氏 160—205度之間),溫度當然可以設得更高或更低。食物要裝在容器裡頭,然後放在烤箱中間的架子上。烤箱裡頭的上下加熱線圈或是熱源會同時加熱,等裡頭熱到設定溫度後,烤箱會停止加熱,然後等溫度降到一定程度後會再次重新加熱。Bake和前頭的grill/broil最大不同點是裝食物的容器也是和食物一起烤(所以可以在上頭和裡頭放些有的沒有的,比如cheese啦,烤東西用的麵包屑/粉啦,以及其他的湯湯水水和奶油等等),再來就是溫度低很多,所以烤的時間比較長,食物比較不會像broil那樣馬上乾掉。
這也是烤,和bake的烤法其實很像,只是roast是模擬另一種『烤法』。有聽過『烤乳豬』吧?把乳豬叉起來橫架在火堆上,然後慢火慢慢的烤,慢慢的轉啊轉的,把乳豬四周都烤得很均勻....這個『用慢火長時間烤肉』就是roast,而且往往只能用在大塊肉上(要很久的時間才能加熱到裡頭,而roast beef卻是肉裡頭要是生的)。我住的地方的大烤箱沒有roast的功能,要的話也只能用bake來模擬,倒是連在一起的上頭的微波爐有roast的功 能,它用的是『循環熱風』的方式達到『在烤肉架上轉動』的均勻加熱的目的。一般家庭裡頭要roast時也是必需把肉放在容器裡頭然後放在烤箱裡頭慢慢的烤,不過最近有出一些家電產品可以把要roast的肉類串起來然後放在裡頭烤,裡頭的肉也會在那轉啊轉的。
要注意的是,只有roast beef,沒有roast steak,原因是roast是大塊的肉(最原始是整隻的),比較起來steak扁扁平平小小,烤個兩小時都變成牛肉乾了。
5. BBQ
barbeque 或是barbecue,字本身的定義是cookout(在外頭煮東西),同義字有cookout, party, picnic等等。我在台灣上英文地方的美國老師有次招待全班到她家的樓頂花園吃BBQ,本來我腦子裡頭想像的是像我們那樣的弄個烤肉架,起火,然後肉片放在上頭烤啊烤的,結果是一整長桌已經煮好的菜,沒有一樣是"烤"出來的,於是我問她,她解釋說像這樣子在外頭吃就可以是BBQ(參考下方例子),不一定要有烤肉。不過, 以美國人熱愛在大型烤肉架上烤肉的程度來看,大部人在BBQ時仍是會準備烤肉架或是烤肉台子。
barbecue當名詞時如上所說的,可以指這種外出烤肉的活動,可以指那個烤肉台子,也可以是指烤出來的肉。當動詞的話是烤,主要是在火上烤都算,所以可以是grill, broil, 和roast。
這是名詞(字源裡頭有to roast),就是串在鐵條上,然後在熱源上一直轉動(也就是用roast的慢烤法烤)。有種特製的烤爐是要一次烤很多的肉,比如雞肉,然後許多的全雞串成一條條後在烤爐裡頭上下循環轉動,烤爐有玻璃窗口可以看到雞在裡頭烤的情形。烤出來的雞非常柔軟可口,可以直接撕開來吃(台灣的手扒雞)。當然不限烤手扒雞啦。
這是名詞,是道菜名,也可以單指那個鍋子,中文是『砂鍋』或是『烤鍋』(字典上查到的)。做法是用casserole專用的 "淺鍋 ",大小和一般家裡用的橢圓形盤子一般,只是是有邊的,然後呢,把剩菜丟下去,攪入罐頭濃湯,麵條pasta之類的,反正有的沒有的都丟進去然後放在烤箱裡頭烤(bake)。別吃驚,casserole就是這樣來的,一般家庭專門用來處理剩菜或是要快速弄個一餐(meal)時,用買好的鮪魚罐頭加入有的沒 的烤一烤就是一餐了。我記得好些年前有次我跟我的老美室友提到說我好想(/喜歡)吃casserole,然後他笑說那種一般家庭常吃的用剩菜煮出來的東西你也想吃喔。當然要弄得"工夫"正式一點的也是可以的。
8. 焗烤
有一個說法是"gratin"(菜的名稱),比如這個Wiki條 目:
這基本上是一種casserole,源自法國菜。至 於"au gratin"則是指做這道菜的方式/手法。
Merriam-Webster's LEARNER'S DICTIONARY字典這樣子寫:
gratin (noun)
a dish that has bread crumbs or cheese on top and is cooked in an oven see also AU GRATINau gratin (adjective)<--形容詞
covered with bread crumbs or cheese and then baked until brownWikipedia就寫的比較詳細: (
▪ They served potatoes au gratin with the fish.
▪ au gratin potatoes
Gratin .... is a type of casserole dish that is covered with Béchamel sauce or Mornay sauce, topped with buttered breadcrumbs or grated cheese and either baked or broiled(*2), then served in its baking dish with a golden crust. Cooking au gratin is a technique..... anything that can be sliced thin, layered with a cream sauce and baked is material for a gratin....說是這樣子說,但是在美國日常上比較是會去講個別菜的菜名, 比如Wikipedia的同一個頁面有提到:
Potatoes gratiné is one of the most common of gratins and is known by various names. In North America, the dish is referred to as scalloped potatoes.而"scalloped potatoes"也是我平常接觸到的說法。
另外也可以看看這個,看看和大家在餐廳吃的"焗烤"有什麼差別(不要去理green bean這個作料的話):
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
裡頭沒提到"au gratin"字眼
(*2) "broil"比較是特別情況下的加熱方式。Wiki頁面下方有提到。
Essential English Grammar and Usage (*1)(Amazon.com用的書名,其他地方會看到前頭加上Chambers)
Publisher: Chambers (Oct 21, 1999)
因為要查中英文版的差異,而且印象裡頭有在附近的Barnes&Noble看到,所以找了個空檔到附近書局翻 書,結果找不到,用他們店裡提供的電腦查詢也找不到,後來轉去一家公立圖書館找,也用電腦查藏書,都沒有(圖書館書庫網路遍及麻州東部的公立圖書館),接 著再去Borders找,也是找不到,用他們的電腦查詢庫存也是沒有(接著又去旁邊Mall裡頭的一個小書局找,更是沒有),沒辦法只好回家用自己的電腦 查,查出來的結果是這本書已經絕版了,這還沒什麼,最神的是透過Google Books去找有這本書的圖書館,居然最近的圖書館是在英國!換句話說Google能連到的全美圖書館都沒有這本書。看樣子得去MIT或是 Hardvard的圖書館找(如果Google沒有連到他們的圖書館資料庫),只是為了查本書有點划不來...
好奇下我想試試看用eBay 能不能找到,也是沒有。找賣二手書的,啊,找到兩個,不過一個在加拿大,一個在英國。
用Google Books倒是查到在加州的三處圖書館有這本書的中文版。不過最讓我詫異的是用Google找這本書查出來的links非常的少.....(相較於我用的 那本書則有207,000個條目....差好多... 居然還找到有人弄成電子檔的盜版...)
Electric water boiler
electric dispensing pot,
electric water heater,
electric water urn(這個比較是英國那邊的說法)
要注意的是電熱水瓶主要是東亞 /東南亞一帶比較盛行,在其他國家除了有前述背景的家庭外一般很少見,換句話說講了他們也未必知道那是什麼。我老美室友第一次到我爸媽家時也是在那裡像是發現新大陸似的指著電熱水瓶說"What's that?!"
曾經有個老美朋友說他在某處看到這種熱水瓶後覺得這還挺方便的於是他也想買,但是一般美國商店沒賣,於是他上網去找(這是十多年前的事了),找到一個郵購商店有賣,他還和那老闆在電話上聊了一陣子,基本上就是知道這種熱水瓶的人不多,所以也不是很好賣,他進貨也沒很多。(我朋友是可以去中國超市買,他為甚麼不去我不知道,大概和我一樣嫌停車麻煩吧 :p )
(原出處: 電熱水瓶(我貼在ECT討論區的一篇貼文)
I've been feeling fatigued and some other discomfort for a while. They are mild and don't really affect my daily activities, but with a history of diabetes in my family, I think it would be better to take extra precautions. My father is a diabetic and he has a portable blood sugar meter, so during my last visit, I asked him if I could use it.
He set up the meter, loaded it with a test strip, wet a tissue paper with rubbing alcohol, had the lancet(a sterile pointed needle) ready, and it was time to collect a blood droplet from one of my fingertips. I always hate this part. Even though I'd done it before, still I had to ask my father “It won't hurt, right?”
“No, it feels just like a mosquito bite,” my father replied.
“Yeah right,” I said to myself, but I still hoped it wouldn't hurt. He twisted the pen-like lancet device, made sure the puncturing mechanism was active, and handed it to me. I placed the device on the tip of my left middle finger, looked away and pressed the button. “Click” and a tiny sting, blood started to come out of my fingertip. I waited a while for the blood to form a small droplet, transferred it to the tip of the test strip, and checked the readout. Nothing happened other than a constant flashing on the screen of the meter.
“Hum.... Maybe this test strip is bad. Let me load another one,” my father said. So I had to do it again. This time, I switched to my left ring finger. “Click” and a sting. Well, still nothing from the meter. My father looked really puzzled and mumbled “How can this be? They were not opened....” He searched his drawer for a while, found a box of test strips, took a close look and said, “Oh! I'm sorry. I used wrong test strips.”
“What do you mean you used wrong test strips?” I frowned.
“I got those from work because they were throwing them out,” he then opened the box and said, “these are new ones.”
“Are you sure you got the right one this time?”
“Yes, I'm sure!”
So I had to do it yet again. This time, I switched back to my left middle finger. To be sure it'd work better, I increased the strength of the lancet device.
My father helped me collect blood this time. Finally, a beep from the meter and it was done. Thirty seconds later I got the result. Well, let me just say I'm very healthy.
Rolling human dough
I really thought they were doing some kind of yoga when I saw someone was rolling my coworker on the floor.
It all happened during one health clinic event held by a health center located right next to the company I worked for. They set up a space in our cafeteria and offered free tests and services. I was interested in getting my cholesterol checked, so I went and waited in line at a station that marked “cholesterol.” While I was waiting, I looked around and took a peek at a massage station near me. The masseuse saw me, gave me a smile and continued pressing her elbow on the back of her client.
Then, on the floor next to the massage station, I saw my coworker lying there with her eyes closed, and a clinic worker kneeling next to her was rolling her from side to side. I thought, “Hum... this is interesting. It must be some kind of new massage technique, or yoga.” A moment later, two guys came in with a gurney, loaded her up and left. I figured she volunteered in an emergency act, like a demo or the sort. No one in the room was panic or anything. We stayed where we were and resumed what we were doing after they left. She didn't come back the whole time I was at the cafeteria.
Some time later after I went back to my office cube, she showed up. Her cube was right next to mine, so I walked over to her cube and asked her what was going on.
“Well, I passed out....”
“What happened!?”
“I was getting my cholesterol checked and when the lady poked my thumb with that needle thing, it hurt so much. I got panic and felt weak all of a sudden, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor...”
“Yes... that's when I saw you. I thought they were giving you a massage or something.”
“No... They're trying to wake me up. Then they call the ambulance....”
“Ah, that must be those two guys.”
“Yes. They put me on the gurney and sent me to the hospital.”
“Did they do anything when you're there?”
“No really. I felt better when I got there, so they released me soon after.”
“That's good. At least nothing serious happened to you.”
“Yeah, but I have to pay the bill just for this short trip.”
“It's not covered by your insurance?”
She told me how much it cost her, but I forgot.... I'm guessing it has to be several hundred dollars. Ouch!
Love Seat
This is kind of a joke. A friend of mine was in Texas visiting his girlfriend, and they went to a movie during one of their outings. The movie theater they went to had "love seats" and they wanted to sit together in one of those "love seats," but they didn't know how to say it, so my friend instead said "Can we sit together?" to the ticket agent.
"Uh... Let me ask my manager." He then left the ticket booth. A short moment later, he came back and said to my friend, "My manager said you two can sit together, but you still have to buy two tickets."
Starbucks 的 Tall? Small?
其中一個我很感興趣的問題是"為什麼你要把小杯的咖啡(small)用tall來稱呼呢?” Schultz笑著回答說"這一切都是行銷手法(marketing),你總不希望顧客進來一直講small, small吧!”
其他的grande, venti則是來自義大利文。找個translator網站就可以查了,比如:
(From Italian to English)
grande -> large(對應的卻是一般店裡賣的16 oz. 的"medium" size)
venti -> twenty(20 oz. 的大size!不過這是熱飲,冷飲的又會更大)
前一陣子我逛了台灣的Starbucks網站才知道台灣的Starbucks某些咖啡飲料比美國的多賣了"short"(or在menu上頭有標出來)。比如前頭提到的最普通的(brewed)咖啡,美國這邊的Starbucks賣的(or在menu上頭有標出來的)最小容量是"tall"(12 oz)。我是有在網路上看到如果你額外要求"short"(8 oz) coffee他們還是會賣你。我是沒有這樣子買過,因為short實在是太小杯了。
(我是專指美國這邊最普通/普遍的 brewed coffee)
商品專區 -> 飲料專區 -> 咖啡飲料 -> 新鮮現調Brewed Coffee -> Coffee of the Day
在T(Tall) 之下還有個 S(Short)
beverage lineup -> Brewed Coffees -> Coffee of the Week ->(Tall)
最小的容量就是 Tall(12 fl. oz.)
-> 2
What do you think I am?
A friend of mine needed to get his car serviced, so he asked me to picked him up after he dropped off his car at the repair shop. It would take three to four hours, so our plan was to go to some places in the vicinity and then go back there to pick up his car. Two hours or so later, while we were in my car driving, my friend's cell phone rang, so he answered the call. It was the service department calling him about the car.
At first everything seemed fine, but then I heard him curse in a low voice. What happened next really caught me off-guard.
"That's crap!" he suddenly sit up and yelled into the cell phone.
"What do you mean the break light doesn't work? That's crap! I know the break light works and you know that, so don't give me that kind of crap ... I'm not spending 700 dollars just for the break pads, ..." he kept shouting.
Then I heard some voices from the phone. I guess the poor guy (or the sneaky guy) from the shop tried to explain the situation, but my friend apparently didn't buy any of it. Near the end of the call, he told him not to do anything not agreed upon and we'd be there in 40 minutes.
After the call ended, he was still upset. "I know I shouldn't go to a dealer but I still went, and this is what I get. I asked for an inspection and they wanted to charge me 700 dollars. For what? ... What do they think I am?" Well, I've known him for quite some time, but this outburst was a first.
We had a quick stop at the dealer afterwards. On our way back to his place, I followed his car, and I noticed his car's break lights worked perfectly fine. So after we arrived at his place and parked our cars, I told him about the lights.
He said, "See, they could have just told me the park break needs work but they had to lie."
"I went there for the transmission oil and I also asked for an inspection(*1). They know it's not much money so they had to find something in my car. I know the park break needs serious work, but they could've just told me that. But no! They had to lie. And 700 dollars for the break pads? What do they think I am?!"
"So, did they do any of those..."
"No, I asked them not to, and they didn't remove the old inspection sticker."
I looked at him puzzled.
"Normally if a car doesn't pass the inspection, they'd put a 'failed' sticker on, but they didn't even do that."
"So did they charge you for the inspection if they didn't put the new sticker on?"
"No. They only charged me for the transmission oil."
I can only guess they realized they were busted, so they didn't charge him for the inspection. I must give it to him for being tough; after all, he could have been conned. As a matter of fact, he saved me from a similar con job before. I'll tell that story some other time.
(*1) Referring to Massachusetts state inspection. It's required by law. One of the test items is break lights.
Hard as rock
他點了炸魚炸蝦餐,我則是點炸魚和炸雞胸塊餐,剛吃時除了覺得有些硬,外層炸好的麵糊"好像"有些老(後來 才察覺)之外,滋味倒是不錯,魚肉也很新鮮,沒有魚腥味。吃了一陣,朋友開始抱怨炸魚和炸蝦"hard as rock",我是覺得還好,再加上這是第一次吃,我以為本來就是這樣子,不過聽他一說之後我也開始覺得好像真的是太硬了,因為我用塑膠刀子切魚塊時都切不 下去(後來乾脆直接用手拿起來咬)。
他又咕噥一陣子,說他是該拿回去還是繼續吃,我也懶得理他,繼續咬我的薯條,結果他站了起來,端起餐 盤然後走回櫃台去抱怨。
像他們這樣點的菜吃得不合意然後要退的情況我也見了很多次,但是在快餐店倒是頭一次遇到。過了一陣子,他端了餐盤 回來 -- 他們給他新的炸魚炸蝦餐,我看了一下,顏色居然是淺黃,而我們原先的是偏棕色,他分了個炸蝦和炸魚給我,我一吃之下居然不硬!這表示他們之前給的確實炸的 過久,而且他們有能力炸出"完美"的炸物。
Redbox nightmare
It was a $25.02 charge and the description was REDBOX DVD. I was shocked and thought I ran into some sort of scam because Redbox is a one-dollar movie rental, so how come they charged me $25.02!? Then I remembered I rented a DVD from a REDBOX DVD rental kiosk a while ago. Apparently, they thought I didn't return the DVD and charged me the full price of a movie, which was equivalent to buying it from them. But the thing is I RETURNED IT THE VERY NEXT DAY!!
Anyway, I went online, found the website, filled a request form and explained what happened (together with "I'm not going to rent any DVDs from you again!"). Five or six hours later, I got a reply from their customer service: "I have refunded you back for the price of the DVD ($25.20) as you say the DVD was returned the next day. It will take 3-5 business days before you see the credit on your account. If you have any questions feel free to call or email us."
Well, I'm happy with the result (assuming I'll see my refund in 7 days), but, what does "as you say" mean? He took my words without verifying it? I mean I'm glad that he "trusted" me, but shouldn't he at least check their records? Perhaps, their machines make so many mistakes that they simply give refunds to anyone requesting one.
I was lucky because I checked my financial statements, but even I had a difficult time remembering small details because it was two months ago! When I found out the charge, the first thing I did was to find the receipt, but I couldn't remember where I put it! I searched two piles of my receipts on my desk, and then I remembered there wasn't one to begin with--the machine doesn't give you a printed receipt but an electronic one that you won't get unless you give them your email address. I wanted my privacy, so I chose not to give them my email address, and as a result I didn't get any receipt.
Anyway, I'm done and I'm not going to go through the same hassle again.
I got my refund within a week.
Another update:
Well, I still rent DVDs from them from time to time...
A mistake from my bank
Well, they did update my new address alright, but with an incorrect street designation; instead of "ROAD" or "RD", it's "ST". For a moment, I thought it was my mistake, so I pulled out my record and found out I did give them my correct address. The next step? I called their 1-800 number and corrected my address information over the phone.
The lady on the other end was quite courteous and repeatedly saying "I'm sorry," so I must say I was satisfied with the service, but still, I do think they shouldn't make this kind of mistake in the first place.
Yet another address change mishap
Since I can't change my address online or over the phone, I downloaded the form and mailed it as stated on their website. Everything seemed fine after I mailed the form, and I did receive a confirmation letter, but, wait a second ... my new address becomes my old address, and my old address is now my new address??????
I waited till Monday(today) to give them a call. The lady on the other end of the line was very courteous, even though I had to wait for a long time (well, just a couple or so minutes actually) because she had to conduct a "research" to pull out my form.
Still, it remains a mystery to me. How could the person who processed my form make a mistake like this? New is old and old is new???
Stop the cat box
開車回家時剛好聽到收音機在放 "Rock the Casbah",於是想到下頭這個我以前寫的blog(也找到那個電視廣告)
"...... The sheep don't like it"
A: "Lock the cash box~"(邊唱手還做出上鎖的動作)
B: "Isn't he singing 'Stop the cat box'?"
A: "Stop the cat box"(微笑,點頭,繼續唱)
接著兩人繼續唱歌,這時的旁白"You don't have to understand your music to download it to......"
A&B: "Stop the cat box~"
剛剛我的roommate跟 我說那是"Rock the Casbah",剛好wikipedia上頭也有:
當年Enya的專輯在台灣的電台播放時,我馬上就被那"Sail away~ Sail away~"的韻律給迷住了,然後我很天真的以為大家一定都很喜歡她的音樂。有次參加英語會話班的謝師宴,席中我跟老師的老婆(他們夫婦都是美國人)談到Enya的這首歌:
She: "What?"
Me: "You know. Sail away~ sail away~.."
She: "Oh! I've heard of that song. I thought it was 'Say when, say when'."
Me: "?!"
雖然如此,美國人對他們自己語言的辨識度還是比我高很多。年初我和gf去看"BrokeBack Mountain",我對裡頭的60年代美國中西部低教育程度人所講的英語幾乎是完全沒轍,不但口音我抓不出來,他們用的俚俗語有很多我也沒聽過。看完電 影後在逛店時我的gf突然對電影的一個情節笑了出來,那情節也剛好是我沒有聽懂的部份。我問她是怎麼聽得懂得?麻州這一帶沒有人有這口音啊(她在這出生長大,並沒有長期在中西部靠南邊待過),她說她以前工作的地方有遇過,所以聽得懂。
現在呢,我正努力的習慣"Doctor Who"裡頭的口音,這科幻節目是英國的常青樹,雖然換了幾代了但是仍是有在製作播放。奇怪的是英式口音我也不是沒聽過,公共節目裡頭就常有來自英國的節目,偏偏Doctor Who裡頭一些人講的英語我就是聽得很吃力,後來我得出一個結論--我聽習慣的是較偏正式的英式英語與口音,一些地區性的,較俚俗性的發音和用法我之前真 的沒碰過,比如我發現有的演員完全不發"t"音(害我在哪裡抓那「韻律」抓了老半天),知道後當我遇到那演員"吞"了一個音時,我自己會自動的把"t"加在那個"頓"點,果然,在辨識上就容易聽懂的多了。
Oriental Pearl
It all started from a couple of years ago. My brother saw a new Chinese buffet & dim-sum ad on a local Chinese newspaper. It was in my town, so my brother called me to check it out. I didn't know where it was exactly, but after we found the place, I realized it was actually right across from a local town library I frequented. From the look of it, it seemed like the place used to be a regular “American" restaurant--like those chained restaurants, Friendly's or Denny's, which means the new owner didn't bother to redecorate the place, and its facade simply looked wrong.
Anyway, we were there. What else could we do? So we walked to the entrance, but we had to stop right there because the whole place was packed--so packed that it reminded me a lot of an overcrowded student cafeteria, or a prison one, inside which everybody gathered around a huge metal pot of rice congee. The all-white walls didn't help much either. The whole setting simply looked so plain and it didn't help my appetite one bit. My brother walked to the food trays, took a look, came back out and said he wasn't impressed.
Two or three weeks ago, a friend called us and said he was bringing his wife and relatives to a Chinese buffet & dim-sum restaurant near us. My roommate answered the phone. After he finished the call, he told me our friend saw the restaurant's ad on a Chinese newspaper, and he then told me the address and figured I'm Chinese so I must know the place. Wrong! Anyway, they came, picked us up, and we were on our way to the “new” restaurant. When we got there, my friend's wife said, “this place looks like a take-out restaurant!” “Well, why don't you go in and take a quick look,” her husband said to her.
By now, I already recognized this place, so I tried to save us some trouble and told her, “well, I know this place. My brother and I were here before and it's horrible. Really, you don't have to go.”
“Was the food that bad?” my friend said.
“Well, I don't know, because I didn't go in.”
“Then how do you know it's horrible?”
“Well, it's the look. It looks horrible.”
“But it doesn't mean the food is bad, right?”
“Yeah, you're right. I guess you can take a look and see if you like it,” so finally I caved in.
Then it's decided that he and my roommate would go in and take a look at the food. At the same time his wife and I were discussing other options in case the food was bad. Our conclusions weren't very good because other restaurants we could think of were far away. (Their relatives were from Taiwan and weren't very used to local food, so local "American" restaurants weren't an option.)
A few moments later, they came out. My friend walked to our car, leaned in, and said, “well, the food is just about the same as the one we often go to.” He meant a Chinese buffet restaurant up north. I knew that place too. Yeah, their food was okay, limited selections, but at least they had a better decors--in other words, that one up north looked more like a Chinese restaurant.
The verdict was in and his relatives okayed it, so we all walked in.
Well, I must say, their food WAS okay, not as bad as I previously thought. Their dim-sum wasn't very impressive, but definitely not the worst. If I'm to give ratings, I'd say it's “edible”--“don't go there” if you just came from Taiwan, and “enjoy yourself” if you've been in the US over 4 years and anything labeled with "Chinese" automatically means “it should taste okay” to you.
I opened the menu lying on my desk, took a look, and already I found one typo and one grammatical mistake:
10% OFF
Expires: Oct, 30/2006
Not Inculded Dim Sum Buffet
Will I go there again? Maybe. After all, I've been in the US over 10 years!
『我們去搭 替 吧!』
『什麼 替?』他愣了一下。我解釋給他聽,他說『是 踢 啦,什麼 替!』
波士頓的捷運站入口都會有一個T字型 的標誌,所以這裡的人直接唸T來表示捷運。我剛來時聽他們唸T為『替』時有點不習慣,因為本地人唸T時聽起來像tea,而我們在台灣時,唸T則聽起來像 『踢』。
T-Boned the Cruiser
"She was hit by someone in a Pontiac Sunfire who went through a red light at high speed and T-boned the Cruiser. The Sunfire was totalled, and the driver had ..."
(*1) 取自T-bone steak : 丁骨牛排,骨頭的部份像個T字。
(*2) cruiser: 警車
那時候十幾個座位只有兩個人坐了一桌,其它座位全空,若是我的習慣的話我會選個周遭沒人的位子,但是堂弟卻是找了那兩人 的隔桌坐下,我只好跟著過去。我不確定這是現在年輕人的習慣,還是因為他想練習聽英文,因為那桌坐了個金髮中年老外以及一個略微"徐娘半老"的女子,而那 女子正在哇啦哇啦很大聲的...講英文吧(我不確定我有聽懂她在講什麼,而且外頭聲音很吵雜,我也不是聽得很清楚),而那老外只是臉稍微帶笑的插臂坐著, 眼睛望著外邊行人一句話也沒說。
一陣子後一個奇怪的景象發生了。一個外邊路過的穿著邋遢的瘦削男子,手提著印有"Macy's"的塑膠袋 在露天座外圍開始來回的走動,然後嘴裡不知道在講什麼,我猜是英語吧。我當時想他是對著那對男女說話吧,因為他是面向他們,然後偶而會對著他們稍微揮動手 裡的Macy's的塑膠袋。這時候我轉頭去看那對男女的反應,我猜他們大概沒看到他吧,因為女的還是在哇啦哇啦,男的還是姿勢沒變的坐在那。
我 不記得那男子在那裏徘徊了多久,也許我後來沒去看他,也許他走開了,也許我和我堂弟沒坐多久就離開了,總之一直到現在我還是不曉得那是一個怎樣的情況。
好書介紹 – Practical English Usage
曾有人問我要自修看哪本書好,當時我仍是處於在書局四處翻文法書的狀態,每本書都稍微看一下,所以無法推薦『一本書』。現在倒是有本文法書(英文用法書)我覺得很不錯: Practical English Usage – by Michael Swan 這本書的特色是它是以字典單字的排法把各式單字,詞,文法用語等等從A排列到Z(而不是像一般文法書是按照文法用詞來排),然後每一章節裡頭相關聯的細項是放在一起的,方便互相比照以及一次全部吸收,(註:前頭畫刪除線是舊的一到三版。新的第四版編排方式改了)。在Oxford U. Press的網站可以試閱第四版:
這本書的對象是"Teachers of English"和"Higher-level students of English (working alone or in class)",不是針對應付考試的學生,所以他不會只列最嚴謹的正式文法。正式的,非正式的,口語的,粗俗的,他都會標出來,甚至是美式英語,英式英 語的異同也有專門的章節,在整本書的各項目如果有英美不同用法也會寫出來。
因為這不是『中文書』,所以對不習慣或是還不能讀英文的人就不適用,同時因為這本書可以說是一本字典,是遇到有英文問題時查詢檢索用的,並不適合一頁頁想從從第一頁翻到最後頁學習的人,所以對還不會文法的初學者也不適用,但是對於英文有一定程度,尤其是已經離開學校,不需要應付大學學測考試的人(or上班族),個人是覺得特別適用,因為這類人(像我就是一例)可以單靠過去記剩下的文法直接檢索這本書,直接接受書裡頭的以白話英語所作的用法解釋,而不需要被過去的文法包袱所拖累,或是望艱深文法用詞而興嘆。如果不確定 的話,到上述的網址試閱,看看能不能看懂就知道了。
另外有一本書和這本封皮很像,連名稱也很接近,不要買錯:“A Practical English Grammar”
"between" and "among"
Think again! (usage notes)
and ( Between vs. Among: Usage Guide)
我老哥在臺灣時號稱英文第一 -- 他圈子裡第一,他的圈子裡包含他的朋友,以及在台灣時的同事,不知怎地,只要遇到英文問題就得請他出來解決。他在台灣時最後的工作是銀行職員,上至外國傳來的合約文件,下至阿豆仔登門鬧事,都由我哥出面擺平。有次有個阿豆仔要領錢,但是沒帶印章,於是他就大鬧,抱怨為什麼台灣不像美國那樣用簽名就可以了, 鬧到後來我哥出了面,他跟那阿豆仔說:『為什麼你們要過感恩節吃火雞,我們就沒有?』那阿豆仔聽了後大笑了幾聲,滿意的離去了。想知道我哥那時的英語是怎麼說出口嗎?不知道也罷,因為他隨口說了出來,除了thanksgiving, turkey, why do you, why do we有清楚說出來之外,其他的都是隨口謅,但是,阿豆仔聽得懂。
這正是重點,我哥的膽子很大,他不怕出錯,不怕出糗。他常說:『管他聽得懂聽不懂,我先說了再說』,就這樣他搬來美國後,上至我爸家的保險,下至和修車的人爭討50塊錢,他前前後後自己一個人搞定了很多事情,前幾個星期他又成功的幫我爸買了輛二手車。我哥剛來美國時,他說的英文句子裡頭,十句有九句文法錯誤,但是大致上老美聽得懂。他又很外向很敢講,因為找附近修車廠的關係還和那個 mechanic 做了朋友。
他也聽我的勸去讀ESL,也去了很多家(便宜的),最近才上了個比較好的(和他之前去的比較起來啦。這次的是Berlitz,台北有分校,Berlitz是不是真的很好?I don't know),現在則是十句裡大約四到五句有文法小錯誤,一兩句大錯誤。
算是個題外話。他剛來美國時我們勸他去讀大學,拿個正式的學歷文憑,他也真的去 Boston University 直接找(我記的好像是國貿系) Dean 談。據他說 Dean 接受他的入學要求,也認為他的英文說得不錯,所以就幫他開了個 folder 然後說等他考了 Toefl 分數送來就可以入學了。我哥也報名在 Boston 的一間語言學校上 Toefl 班,結果他抱怨說老師不一一解答題目,只是問大家有沒有問題。他當然也沒去考 Toefl ,因為他很多題目還是不會。
許多年過去了,我哥現在的英文仍是屬於很難得說/寫出連續幾句完全正確無誤的句子(不過他至少已經稍微知道不該這樣子講英文-> I to buy clothes)(*1)。他前一陣子終於找到個銀行櫃員的工作。我是有些吃驚啦。總之你的英文不需要搞得像是一副要有能用英文寫出流傳千古的語言學書籍的程度才能在美國混下去。
(*1) 再次update: 有一陣子我還在想寫一篇關於他偶而會犯這種錯誤的文章,結果等我再次去注意他講的英文時,他已經完全改掉這錯誤了。
(2011, 新增) 前些天和我哥聊到這方面事情,他又說出一個更勁爆的內幕。原來他那時上班的銀行大樓裡頭還有個外國部,裡頭的人*據說*都有台灣研究所學歷。因為在同一棟大樓,也都互相認識,只是呢這些人常常會去「糾正」我哥的「英文」(比如在銀行餐廳吃飯時桌上很亂,我哥說"It's messy",然後他們某人「糾正」說這應該是"out of order"「才對」)。
我哥那時是在放款部工作,當時牽了摩托車正準備要去客戶那裡洽事,突然那位經理過去把他攔住要他幫忙。我哥很奇怪的說不是有外國部會英文的人幫忙嗎?幹嘛找他? 那位經理陪笑的說他們英文還是講不通。(我哥的說法是那些外國部員工的所謂「英文」是直接中翻英,所以才會造成雞同鴨講的問題)
我們還聊到英文財力證明的事。當初我在台灣時有辦過。那時候和我接洽的那位銀行人員(不是我哥工作的銀行)說英文版的要多一天,我還記得他那時用稍微帶有歉意的口氣說「你也知道,因為那是英文」。 我透過這事跟我哥說我實在不了解為什麼這會有難處,因為只要有英文範本,在開設英文證明時只要把名字和數字打上去就是了,這有什麼難的?我哥因此接著爆料說他們銀行的財力證明英文範本就是他寫的,但是每次範本(含拷貝)都是傳來傳去然後就不見了。等到我哥自己需要用到英文財力證明時(他那時已經是在放款部工作)他託一位(尋常櫃員)同事開,結果他的那位同事拖了三天還是沒開出來。後來我哥跑去「嗆聲」的時候,他的那位同事才苦喪著臉說「我不會英文」.....
我的重點是任何階段都有改進的空間,但是不需要死命的鑽 。我哥他的態度是反正夠用了,他就不想再進步。我哥的例子算是個極端。但是也不需要在學習初階段就拼命的鑽完美、正確無誤,這又是另個極端。兩者間其實可以尋求個平衡點,而這平衡點可以隨你的英文程度進展而調整。
2023年4月 新增
算是趣聞。我哥打電話給我告訴我這件事。因為他在使用報稅軟體時出了問題,付了「很多」他不想付的錢,於是他打客服專線要求退費。據他說客服不會英文...... 我沒多問細節,反正他最後要求對方把電話轉給他的經理,不然他很痛苦,對方也很痛苦(我是不曉得他英文怎麼講的)。轉過去後對方說這客服電話是關於稅務的,但是我哥還是跟他「魯」。中間過程我就不多說了,總之對方終於同意退費(還說保證會退),最後我哥說再問一個問題,他問說為什麼第一個接電話的客服不會英文,對方聽了大笑🤣
參考另一篇: 學英文重要的是什麼?
"....they are colleagues and allies, and we are reeling at their loss."
(一個ABC記者在Iraq的兩位當地人同事,昨天被綁架然後今天早上屍體被發 現。這記者做了個短報導紀念他們)
前一陣子在ECT討論區討論到一個關於"reel"的用法: "People reeled in the wake of an event"。在查了些網路字典後我發現一件事,那就是"for learners"的英英字典居然有一般大本的英英字典所沒有的字義解釋:
Longman ONLINE
reel (verb):
1 to be confused or shocked by a situation
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
reel (MOVE) (verb):
3 If you reel, or your mind or brain reels, you feel very confused or shocked and unable to act:
We were reeling in amazement/shock/delight, etc. from/with the news that we had won all that money.
那時我們在 Boston有名的觀光地點 Faneuil Hall Marketplace,逛著逛著看到一個賣冰淇淋的攤子,於是我們過去排隊買冰淇淋。那個時候有幾個小女孩擠在前面等著拿冰淇淋,另外還有一兩個人斜斜的站在一旁,也算是在排隊等著買,而我哥呢,一面抬頭看招牌上的價錢,一面就慢慢的往前走去,他根本沒有看到旁邊在等的人,我看到這情形拉了我哥一下,然後指指旁邊已經在排隊的人,我哥會意後閃到排隊的人後面。
過了一會,快輪到我們時,一對東方人夫婦走過來,而其中的男子正做著和我哥一模一樣的動作 --- 一邊抬頭看著招牌一邊往前走,然後就直接插隊在我們前面準備買冰淇淋。我那時真的是很不爽,臭著一張臉,大概是老婆終於注意到了,才對他低聲說了幾聲,而這位男子才恍然大悟似的回頭道歉。
Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts。圖片出自
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Faneuil Hall |
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Quincy Market |
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三字形建物:North Market(上),Quincy Market(中),South Market(下)。左邊中間:Faneuil Hall |
"Could you hand me the juice?" (I handed him the 100% bottled lemon juice.)
"No, this is lemon juice. I want lime juice."
"Aren't they the same?"
"No, they aren't."
這是我和我室友間曾有的一段對話。那時候他好像是要在某樣菜上頭加「檸檬汁」,剛好冰箱裡頭有lemon juice也有lime juice,所以我就拿了我在台灣時熟知的「檸檬」汁給他,然後他就抗議說lemon和lime是不一樣的,lemon適合加在xxx上頭(*1),然後 lime配yyy(*1)才適當。
(*1) 我忘了是什麼了,因為這兩種汁實在是太像,在我的觀念裡頭,他們幾乎是一樣的東西,所以我到現在還是不知道哪種汁該配什麼食物。
Finally, it died out, after almost 9 years of service. (Now to think of it, it's very impressive.)
My old Athlon PC had been working perfectly for the past 9 years, but it all changed today. Ever since I got my new HP laptop, I've been using it every day, so my old PC was neglected for quite some time. Today, I had a need for it, so I turned it on, set up my programs and went out with my gf. I figured those programs should finish by the time I came back.
A few hours later, I came home and found my PC not responding.... I clicked, pushed, pressed, typed, and kicked (Nah, I didn't), nothing I did could wake it up, so I resorted to the old trick--reboot. It didn't work.
I was thinking the possibility of it being hacked, but I ruled it out. Anyway, I did some diagnosis, and I concluded that the PC's bios battery was out of juice.
The funny thing is I went online afterwards to find some info about the battery life, and spotted some descriptions on a webpage that matched almost all of my PC's symptoms--showing funny messages when booting up, failing to recognize multiple partitions on a drive, and bios time falling back to 2000. The only thing not mentioned in the list is my PC ceased to respond some time after it was up.
So, DL3032 3V battery, kudos to your unusually long 9 years of life. I'll miss you!
House of the Dead
I remember I hated this kind of "living dead" movies when I was a kid, because they scared the hell out of me. The funny thing is I'd never watched any single one of them back then; all I saw were trailers on TV and those were enough to give me nightmares. I knew they were all fake, but those zombies looked real enough, to a kid anyway, and I really couldn't stand the sight of seeing a person trapped inside a zombie-infested well and struggling to get out.
Apparently, the first movie was a big hit, so a series of "living dead" movies soon followed (just to jog your memories, if you're old enough, they are "生人勿近","生人迴避", etc)
Another one that scared the s**t out of me was Friday the 13th. It was the torturing scenes that prompted me to flip to another channel; I was fine with seeing a translucent or fog-like ghost but not a machete cutting through a torso.
Then came A Nightmare on Elm Street. I guess the "trauma" I suffered when I was a kid stopped me from seeing this movie and its sequels. It wasn't until a friend told me they were actually quite funny that I started renting the movies and watched them. Well, I wouldn't call it "funny" but he was right—they weren't scary at all.
Well, let's get back to the TV I'm watching right now. So far, I have no idea what this House of the Dead is about other than a lot of kung-fu kickings, shootings and explosions. I guess the directer tried to make his movie look more hip in the hope that youngsters would love it, but I must say he failed miserably. After all, it's not an action movie.
"possess ... life style convenient"
"possess ... life style convenient"
Now, this "per serving" is very tricky; it means that the content of trans fat in a certain food is not absolute zero--there's still a trace amout of trans fat in it, but FDA says it can be labeled as 0 gram as long as it's below 0.1 gram.
Just for the fun of it, I went to KFC's website and used their nutrition caculator to see how much trans fat is there in 1 extra crispy chicken drumstick, 2 extra crispy chicken thighs, 1 mashed potato, 1 cole slaw, and 1 biscuit.
The total amout of trans fat yielded to 1.5 grams. Well, it's better than 8+(*1) grams I got last time.
(*1) or maybe higher... I forgot the exact number..
"What is" I asked him.
"I know the word but I don't know its meaning." He seemed in a cheerful mood.
Anyway, I checked Longman ONLINE. Ah... that's what it means.
有人問:我們只是普通朋友"We are just friends"本身就是慣用說法,意思就是"我們只是普通朋友",句子裡頭的"just"已經帶出那意思了-->不是很親熱親密的朋友喔, 是"friends"這個字面意思的一般普通朋友,所以用just來強調。因為這是慣用說法,本來就是在需要和「朋友」刻意保持距離的情況下說的,所以也不需要刻意另外用表情來輔助,只是那種情況下一般是有些尷尬,所以說這話時帶些額外的表情是無可避免的。
有人答:we are just friend.....
i think ...the point is your facial expression...
while you say it out.....
we are just ordinary friends.....
至於上頭最後那句"we ... ordinary friends",這不是英文習慣說法,「普通」不需要又另外刻意翻成"ordinary",這不但是多餘的,擺在那也不對勁。
當然啦,有沒有可以使用這說法的場合?也許在些比較文學一點的場合然後真的需要刻意用"ordinary"才行的情況下,但是在日常說法裡頭不需要這樣子 「畫蛇添足」。
"We are just ordinary friends": 57筆(真正顯示出的只有12筆),第一項還是來自香港,去掉三個中文頁,剩下的也不用看了
"We're just ordinary friends": 4筆
"We are just friends?": 31,700
"we're just friends": 75,800 (口語英文習慣直接說 We're)
再來看看比較有「文學氣息」的Google Books,看看是否有作家憑著"poetic license"刻意這樣子用:
"We are just ordinary friends": 3
啊,第一本書的作家是"Liming Jing",第三本是兩個作者,一個是T.M.R,另一個 是"Joseph Tong",而第二本是1905年的作品。
我這樣子講好像在說我很行或是我很厲害,事實上我也只是和大家一樣是個"English learner",我常出錯,也還有很多地方要學的,只是那句子在日常英語用法裡頭實在是很尋常很普通,就像這句老話「沒看過豬生孩子也看過豬走路」,所以那差別還是知道的。
Longman ONLINE原來已經是收錄進字典的慣用說法了。
4 be just (good) friends used to say that you are not having a romantic relationship with someone:
- I'm not going out with Nathan - we're just good friends.
幾年前吧,他在 AUE 上問問題。我看了一下他問的問題。他問的倒也不是什麼艱澀難懂的文法問題,而是不清楚一個(常用)字的意思。我知道那意思,因為那是屬於在美國生活裡頭常碰到的事物。事實上,只要你常看美國影視節目的話也會知道那意思。
(*1) 有些(美國)人稱之為 real English. 畢竟普羅大眾是主要的人口組成份子。
(*2) 英文文法書,以及一些人愛扯的「語言學」等等
That Darn Rebate Deal
- Bought a $36 GigaFast USB wireless adapter @ Micro Center in early Dec 06. It came with a $30 rebate (Yay~~ What a deal!)
- Rebate forms were mailed to the rebate house.
- Contacted the rebate house five weeks later because their online record showed they hadn't received my rebate.
- One or two weeks later, got an email reply from them saying they just got it (????).
- Four or five weeks later, got another email from them saying GigaFast refused to fund the rebate and they had no choice but to close my case. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- Emailed complaints to GigaFast and Better Business Bureau the next day.
- A week later, after hearing no reply from GigaFast, a complaint was sent to the retailer, Micro Center.
- Micro Center responded the next day saying they'd send the check.
- Three weeks later, the rebate house sent me an email saying Micro Center funded the money and I'd get the rebate check in 7-10 days. I FINALLY got my damn $30 rebate check a week later.
"四個x;一個是x, 一個是x..."的英文表示
...four something: a, b, c, and d.
...four something; they are a, b, c and d.
以下這些是在Google Books上找來的(當然還有其他寫法,只是Google Books上許多例子無法顯示最後一或兩項,遇到這情況我就沒辦法收錄那些句型...)
(還 有一點就是這些句型只代表有此文字記錄而已,並不代表「一定正確」或是「好」。有空我再問native speakers of English)
1. ...four something.(*1) One is a, another is b, the third is c, and the fourth is d.
2. ...four something. One is a, another is b, one is c, and the last is d.
3. ...four something. One is a, another is b, another is c, and the fourth is d.
4. ...four something. One is a, another is b, another is c, and the last is d.
5. ...four something. One is a, the other is b, the other is c, and the fourth (one) is d.
6. ...four something. One is a, the other is b, the third is c, and the fourth is d.
(*1)可以是連接詞,然後把前後子句連在一起。後 面的句子裡的個別子句也可以拆開成獨立句子。詳細的可以看下列的例子。
Search pattern on Google Books:
"four * one is *, another is"
and to have to consider four statements; one is 106 pages, another is 60 pages, another is 75 pages
Discovering Creativity: Proceedings of the 1992 International Creativity and Innovation... - Page 210
by Stanley S. Gryskiewicz - 1993
"....----- organized in four programs. One is CAD, another is on product reliability, the third is on user-product interfaces, and the fourth is on management subjects.
Muslim Military Architecture in Greater Syria: From the Coming of Islam to the Ottoman Period - Page 191
by Hugh N. Kennedy - 2006
... with masonry (we have only four Muslim inscriptions, but one is lost, another
is illegible, one is reused and finally the last is not correctly read).
A Universal Scale of Individual Performance Tests, Examination Manual - Page 55
by Paul Chatham Squires - 1926
Of the four "type" cubes one is an A, another is a 5, another is ac, and the
fourth is ad cube.
Doing Business in Less Developed Countries: Financial Opportunities and Risks - Page 161
by Mashaalah Rahnama-Moghadam, David A. Dilts, Hedayeh Samavati - 1995
The contestant may select one of four boxes. In one box is $1000000, in another
is $500000, in another is $100000, and in the last box is nothing. ...
另一search pattern:(用意:看看有沒有用"the other"結尾的)
"four * one is * the other"
To the right and the left of the organ arc four statues; one is a Duke of Brittany,
the other three are bishops.
Housing Act of 1956: Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representati... - Page 251
by United States Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency - 1956
... statements of these four big insurance companies. One is Prudential, the other
is Penn Mutual of Pennsylvania, the other is Union Central of Ohio, and the fourth one is Connecticut General Life of Connecticut.
Indian Economic Development Programs: Oversight Hearings Before the Committee on Interior and... - Page 60
by United States Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs - 1979
It is based on four criteria. One is minority population. The other is minority
businesses. The third is projected gross income for 1980, and the fourth is ..
Energy and Water Development Appropriations for 1987: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the... - Page 1002
by United States Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development - 1986
Now, the farmers have four major problems today. One is debt, the other is surplus, the third is nitrates, and the fourth is declining water tables. ...
或 是像這樣子整個列:
How to Prepare for the LSAT - Page 304
by Jerry Bobrow - 2005
Eight busts of American Presidents are to be arranged on two shelves, left to right. Each shelf accommodates exactly four busts. One shelf is directly above the other shelf. The busts are of John Adams, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.