
剛剛在電視上聽到的(ABC Nightline):
"....they are colleagues and allies, and we are reeling at their loss."
(一個ABC記者在Iraq的兩位當地人同事,昨天被綁架然後今天早上屍體被發 現。這記者做了個短報導紀念他們)
前一陣子在ECT討論區討論到一個關於"reel"的用法: "People reeled in the wake of an event"。在查了些網路字典後我發現一件事,那就是"for learners"的英英字典居然有一般大本的英英字典所沒有的字義解釋:
Longman ONLINE
reel (verb):
1 to be confused or shocked by a situation

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
reel (MOVE) (verb):
3 If you reel, or your mind or brain reels, you feel very confused or shocked and unable to act:
We were reeling in amazement/shock/delight, etc. from/with the news that we had won all that money.