(SciFi channel is playing House of The Dead. Well, it's not scary at all...)
I remember I hated this kind of "living dead" movies when I was a kid, because they scared the hell out of me. The funny thing is I'd never watched any single one of them back then; all I saw were trailers on TV and they were enough to give me nightmares. I knew they were all fake, but those zombies looked real enough, to a kid anyway, and I really couldn't stand the sight of seeing a person trapped inside a zombie-infested well and struggling to get out.
Apparently, the first movie was a big hit, so a series of "living dead" movies soon followed (just to jog your memories, if you're old enough, they are "生人勿近","生人迴避", etc)
Another one that scared the s**t out of me was Friday the 13th. It was the torturing scenes that prompted me to flip to other channels; I was fine with seeing a translucent or fog-like ghost, but not a machete cutting through a torso.
Then came A Nightmare on Elm Street. I guess the "trauma" I suffered when I was a kid stopped me from seeing this movie and its sequels. It wasn't until a friend told me they were actually quite funny that I started renting the movies and watched them. Well, I wouldn't call it "funny" but he was right—they weren't scary at all.
Well, let's get back to the TV I'm watching right now. So far, I have no idea what this House of the Dead is about other than a lot of kung-fu kickings, shootings and explosions. I guess the director tried to make his movie look more hip in the hope that youngsters would love it, but I must say he failed miserably. After all, it's not an action movie.